Chapter 10

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"You look tired

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"You look tired." Charlie's voice echoed through Willow's small room. The redhead was sitting on the bed with a cup of tea in one hand and in her other was a small poetry book.

"I'm okay." Willow mumbled as she lifted her eyes to give him a glance, her eyes puffy from exhaustion.

"If you say so. I don't think you need to keep going back and forth. You need solid rest and right now you're not getting any." Charlie explained while he leaned against the door frame.

"You're one to talk." Willow huffed with an eye roll.

"I'm just concerned. You're avoiding Paul. Now with Bella being sick and extending her stay you keep splitting your time back and forth." Charlie paused for a minute with his eyes shifting around before he spoke. "With Noah on the loose too, you are stressed to the max. All I'm asking is that you rest."

"There's just a lot going on right now." Willow mumbled.

"I know. I just want you to know that I'm here if you wanna talk." Charlie shrugged with a soft smile.

"I appreciate it." Willow returned a smile as she took a sip of her tea.

"I love you kiddo." Charlie patted the door as he turned to walk away.

"Love you too." Willow called out as she listened to his footsteps descend down the hall. When she was sure that he was gone she pulled the folded envelope out of her book. It was old and faded from the months spent in her drawer but she struggled to open it .

It was from Noah when he was still in prison but she could never bring herself to open it. Too afraid to know what it might say and what warnings may be ingrained in the writings. Now she simply kept it as a reminder that he was out there, she was constantly waiting to see when he would appear.

Taking a sip of her tea she shoved the envelope back into her book and tossed onto the foot of her bed. With a yawn she stretched her free arm above her head with her back extending out with a few cracks that added for relief. There was a brief moment of silence, a sweet wonderful moment that she wished could last just a little longer, for her brain to enjoy moments of no thoughts in her head.

The phone rang on her bed stand, the ringtone sounding like a warning signal in her brain and a part of her didn't want to know what bad news was coming her way. The caller ID made her brow lift in confusion.

"Jacob?" Willow sat her tea down and threw her legs over the bed.

"Hey," His voice was off and there was an edge to his voice. "I'm sorry to bother you but you need to come to the Cullens house as soon as you can."


"How could you have been so stupid?" Willow grumbled as she paced the floor with her hands wringing together in worry.

"I didn't mean for it to happen." Jacob mumbled as he leaned back against the wall with his fingers pressing the bridge of his nose together.

"No, of course not." Willow huffed as faced him with a scowl. "You never mean for anything to happen, do you Jacob?"

"Look I'm sorry." Jacob sighed as he lifted his head to meet eyes with her.

"So what does this mean?" Willow sighed and looked out the window.

"Sam and the pack have cut us all off," Jasper spoke for the first time since her arrival, but she didn't turn around. "You are the only one who can come and go as you please."

"Why?" Willow questioned.

"Because you're Paul's imprint. It's the most upheld and sacred law within the pack that nothing can happen to you." Jacob tried to explain, but Willow was too busy searching the room for familiar faces.

"Where's Koda?" She asked and Jasper stepped up beside her, with attention focused out the window.

"Talking with Sam." Willow followed his gaze and spotted Kodas long hair at the edge of the woods.

"What are they talking about?" The red head turned her head up to look at Jasper who was still focused out the window.

"Sam is making him choose between the pack and us." It wasn't Jasper who answered her. It was Jacob who was now standing on the other side of her staring out the window.

The idea of Koda having to choose filled Willow with rage. He shouldn't have to choose. They shouldn't even be in this predicament. Sam had no right to make Koda choose or to hold the Cullens hostage.

Her legs moved without thinking and she was out the door, ignoring the protest of those around her. She marched herself down until she was standing beside Koda.

"How dare you." Willow pointed her finger in Sam's face as she interrupted the conversation happening.

"Willow. Don't." Koda held his arm out to hold her back. Sam let his eyes shift to Willow but his expression was hard to read. Willow shoved Kodas arm away and continued despite the warning.

"You have no right to do any of this."

"Make your choice Koda. Or I will make it for you." Sam didn't look away from Willow as he spoke. Willow could tell that he was trying to get her to speak sense into Koda, to get him to choose the pack but she would not yield. Neither would Koda.

"I've already told you Sam. I will not choose." Koda stated firmly.

"Your duty is to the pack. To this town. You've trained your whole life to be the witch guide. Like your parents before you." Sam was pleading now. "You must do what duty commands."

"I will not support unprompted murder." Koda's tone was low and filled with warning.

"You want to kill Bella." Willow felt her heart drop into the pit of her stomach. "You're a piece of shit." Willow spat in anger, her face flushing red and burning with each word. Thunder cracked around them as the sky turned dark.

"Watch your tone." Sam warned with his narrowing at her.

"Watch yours." Paul stepped up beside Willow, shirtless with jean shorts like always. He stepped in front of her blocking her from Sam's view.

"This is what you've chosen, Paul." Sam sounded disappointed and somewhat sad. "Choosing the Cullens over your pack. Over your family."

"I'm doing what's right." Paul Stood firmly with his shoulders squared. "Maybe you should reconsider."

Sam tried to reach for Paul but an invisible force stopped him. He tried again and again but to no avail. "This place is warded. You and your pack can't get in." There was a moment of silence where Sam simply stared at Koda as thunder rumbled across the sky again.

"You've made the wrong choice." The sky split open and the rain began to pour but Willow didn't react and neither did any of the men around her.

Sam turned to walk away and Willow could see Paul visibly relax. It all suddenly became too much for her. She had to get out of there before the panic in her chest crawled out of her skin. She walked away from Koda and Paul, ignoring the call of her name and headed straight for the garage. She had been using Emmett's jeep ever since the truck broke down. She slammed the door shut and started the engine, the water pouring off of her and into the seat. She had to shipe some from her face just to see.

She had to get away, even if just for a short time. She needed a chance to breathe away from everything that was crumbling around her. 

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