Chapter 8

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Painting was Willow's favorite pastime in the whole world, and she owed her love for it to her father

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Painting was Willow's favorite pastime in the whole world, and she owed her love for it to her father. When she was young, her father introduced her to finger painting and ever since that she was hooked. On vacation in Bora Bora was a major inspiration for her art.

Two weeks into the vacation and the redhead was starting all of her mornings off the same, the far sunroom right next to the ocean with a canvas and her paint set up. Sometimes she would sit in her pajamas that consisted of one of Jasper's or Koda's oversized tee-shirts and a pair of underwear. On mornings like this one, where Jasper, Koda, and her had spent hours having morning sex, she would keep a sheet hanging loosely off her as she painted naked with the sea air blowing in through the window.

"I made you breakfast." Jasper's soft southern drawl sounded from the doorway. Without looking away from her painting Willow's smile grew.

"What's on the menu today Chef Hale?" Willow asked as she dipped her brush into the jar of water that had become blended into many different colors.

"I have pancakes with blueberries, a few slices of bacon, a cup of fruit, mimosa, and some coffee." As he spoke Willow wiped her hands off on the paint covered towel in her lap and moved to stand from the stool with the sheet wrapped around her.

"I am so thankful that Esme taught you to cook." The redhead smirked as she turned to see him with his jeans on, his chest bare, and his blonde hair pulled back into a bun.

"To be fair, Emmett taught me the most." The blonde vampire noted as he held his arms open to embrace her as she approached, his lips pressing against her forehead.

"That actually does not surprise me." Willow laughed as she relaxed into his chest.

"Your food is getting cold." Jasper mumbled, causing the words to vibrate through his chest. Willow could have stayed like that for the rest of her life, but the smell of her breakfast made her stomach grumble.


"Is he nervous?" Willow smirked as she took a bite of her bacon, her eyes focusing on the screen of Jasper's Ipad, now dressed in Kodas clothes.

"Nervous doesn't even begin to describe him." Seth said with a teasing tone, before he took a sip of his peanut butter milkshake.

"Is wearing his lucky necklace?" Willow questioned as she grabbed her mimosa.

"The one with the tree of life and a wolf?" Seth paused to look away from the screen, towards the other side of Paul's room. "Yup, he's wearing it." Seth laughed as he looked back at the screen.

"Shut the fuck up." Paul grumbled from off screen as a hanger flew by Seth's head.

"We're just messing with you." Seth laughed as the screen shuffled around and all Willow could see was Paul's bedroom ceiling.

"Come on, I want to see what he's wearing for his date." Willow whined as she adjusted herself on the barstool she was sitting on.

"Give me a minute." Paul huffed in frustration while Seth fixed the camera, laying across Paul's bed.

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