Chapter 22

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 Willow wasn't sure how long her eyes had been closed but she opened them with a sense of confusion

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 Willow wasn't sure how long her eyes had been closed but she opened them with a sense of confusion. The pain in her abdomen made her wince, her skin was cold with sweat breaking out across her skin. In an instant she remembered everything her eyes snapped to the lifeless body of Noah laying across from her. Her eyes shifted to the handle of the knife that was protruding from the right side of her abdomen. Blood had soaked her shirt around the wound, a small puddle forming on the floor next to her. Willow's hand flew to the handle, her fingers wrapping around the handle, seeking relief from the pain.

"Woah, woah, woah. What are you doing?" Willow watched as another hand knocked hers away, her attention focused on the voice. Willow blinked a few times but she was still met with the kind features of her best friend.

"Maggie?" Willow whispered her eyes widening as she took in the woman she hadn't seen in person in almost a year. "You can't- can't be here. You're supposed to be training in London." She watched as Maggie dropped to her knees, her short black hair bouncing against her cheeks.

"You hit your head hard." Her long fingers moved to graze Willow's swollen eye. She flinched, her eyes stinging as if Maggie was actually there. "He hit you even harder. Your mind is trying to cope."

"You're not actually here?" Willow muttered her hand moving back to the handle of the blade.

"Sorry sweetie." Maggie smiled softly. "I'm here because you need me." She moved to wrap her hand around Willow's wrist, and Willow swore she could actually feel it. "Do you remember the experiment we did in sophomore anatomy? The one with the bag of water and the straws?"

"Ye-yeah. None of the water came out when the straws were in the bag." Willow nodded and let her head fall back on the floor.

"Exactly!" Maggie smiled brightly. "It applies to a knife sticking out of you." She pointed at the knife with a smirk. "You're the bag of water."

"I'll bleed out." Willow's voice was barely a whisper.

"And you'll die." Maggie spoke softly. Willow let her eyes close, finding them too heavy to keep open. She felt nausea and thankfully she was able to roll over, lifting her head enough to let the bile in her stomach unload into the floor. Willow let out a loud yell of pain, fire searing in her through her entire abdomen.

"Bleeding out is not the only thing that can kill you." Willow turned to look at where Maggie had been but standing over her now was Carlisle in his lab coat.

"I'm losing my mind." Willow blinked a few tears out of her eyes, her swollen eye barley allowing tears to fall past the bruising.

"No you're not, kid." Carlisle spoke softly as his gold eyes shifted to the knife and the blood pooling in the fabric of her shirt and on the ground. "This is your mind's way of coping with the trauma and identifying facts that you're struggling to find."

"I-I need your he-help , Carlisle." Willow stuttered the sweat now rolling down from her forehead.

"Shock will be the next thing to kill you outside of blood loss." Carlisle's demeanor was calm, his eyes focused on the wound. "It's already setting in. The sweat, nausea, cold skin, and dilated pupils all suggest that it's already setting in."

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