Chapter 3

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Willow felt useless as she sat on the deck of the Cullens house watching as everyone moved parts of actual trees around under Alice's direction

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Willow felt useless as she sat on the deck of the Cullens house watching as everyone moved parts of actual trees around under Alice's direction. She was watching as Bella struggled to walk in her heels.

"You just need to break them in." Alice smiled optimistically.

"I have been breaking them in... for three days." Bella countered with wide eyes.

"Bella does not function in heels." Willow teased as she rested herself back into her chair, her tired eyes barely open as she looked over at her cousin. With a sharp turn Bella flipped her redheaded cousin off.

"Miss Swan, how brazen of you." Cassie's sassy voice sounded out around them and Willow's smile grew as she watched her climb up the steps of the deck with her hands full.

She was decked out with a pair of black leather shorts, a hot red crop top and a leather jacket over top, she wore red heels to go with  Her hair was partially pulled back into a top knot, the other curls shaped around her face, a pair of raybans over her eyes.

"Hello my darling." Alice smiled brightly as Cassie approached her. Willow watched as the two female vampires shared a deep loving kiss with a warm smile on her own face.

"Sorry I'm late, my love." Cassie stated once the two pulled apart with Alice's small hand cradling Cassie's cheek "I come bearing food for our favorite sleep deprived redhead." Her smile turned into a smirk as she held up the container of Mexican take out in her right hand.

"Thank God." Willow muttered as she rose from her seat, her bare feet padding across the wooden deck as she followed Cassie inside the house.

"Ezekiel stop cleaning your gun at the dinner table." Cassie scolded with an eye roll as she led Willow into the dinning room area. At the head of the table was Ezekiel with all of his attention focused on the small revolver that he had taken apart.

"It ain't like we eat here." Ezekiel complained as Willow sat down herself down at the side of the table facing the window.

"Willow is eating here, so put your hunk of metal up." Cassie griped as she smacked the back of his head. 'Why are you not helping the rest of the family?" Cassie called over her shoulder as she moved to set the bags in her hand down in a lounge chair.

"Alice had a vision that I broke somethin' and asked me to stay in the house." Ezekiel answered as he moved all of his supplies off of the table, giving Willow a slight nod as she started eating her food.

"Why do you carry a gun?" Willow questioned in between her bites.

"Oh please don't get him started." Cassie complained as she walked back into the dinning room with an eye roll and a bottle of water.

"She asked Cas." Ezekiel smirked with a hopeful look in his eyes as he placed his gun back into his holster.

"Another time Zeke." Cassie warned with her brows up onto her forehead, her hands on her hips. Willow quietly chewed her food as she looked between the two of them, deciding that it was probably better to wait until later.

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