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Once everyone had stepped outside, a sobbing and broken Paul was dragged out, unable to stand or function on his own. Jasper stayed inside, feeling more like an empty shell than a person. He hovered in the doorway for a few moments, his eyes focused on his fiancée's lifeless body. She looked small. Not like the fierce, smart mouthed, spitfire that she had been. Carlisle had stitched and dressed all of her wounds and Rosalie had taken the time to try and clean up the blood away.

She hadn't been able to get it all.

Willow's jeans were permanently stained and the white henley was ruined, with blood and cut down the center. Esme had pulled a blanket over her to cover her half naked torso Her hands were covered with dried blood, up to her elbows almost. Her long red mane of hair was tangled and knotted with dried blood and sweat. Her left hand was hanging loosely off the table and even from a distance and covered in blood he could see her engagement ring.

Jasper took small hesitant steps as he walked further into the room. His lips quivering slightly as he grabbed her still warm, blood covered hand, into his cold trembling one. His thumb rubbed over the band and his gold eyes moved to her face. She was paler than she had ever been, traces of blood scattered on her face.

"Why didn't you call me?" Jasper whispered, his voice cracking slightly as anger spilled out. "I could have helped you. Damn it Willow. What were you thinking?" He squeezed her hand and shifted his eyes to the ceiling as he tried to calm himself down.

"I know what you were thinking." He forced a laugh and shifted his eyes back to her face. "You've always been selfless, a family trait. You are fearless, brave, and loyal to a fault. You would have done whatever it took to save Paul." Jasper's free hand brushed through his hair, his lips quivering uncontrollably, tears poured down his face . He needed to let out the sorrow he was feeling, other than screaming.

"I'm proud of you." His free hand softly brushed against the bruising on her face. "Paul told me you killed Noah. That couldn't have been easy for you, but you fought and you fought like hell." Jasper realized when he heard the cracking that he squeezed hard enough to break her hand. He quickly let go and back away.

"FUCK!" Jasper began to knock over medical equipment, silver trays crashed on the ground, and in his rage he crossed the room with both fists beating against the wall. "I CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT YOU." It was a sob of desperation as he turned back to face her as his back slid down the wall. His blonde hair was a mess and fell into his eyes, his head fell against the wall in defeat.

"I can't do this without you." Jasper whispered this time, his face falling into his hands. Being a vampire meant that he didn't need to breathe, but he was gulping for air as sobs continued to rock through him.

"You came into my life almost four years ago. A sophomore with a bigger than life personality who was fighting a battle that many knew about." Jasper muttered into his hands. "I fell in love with you a month into Home Economics when you told me that I 'would make a terrible housewife but at least I was pretty'." He smiled just slightly, a tick in the corner of his mouth more than a smile.

"Your hazel eyes were captivating and I swear I would have done anything to see you laugh. The joy poured out of your soul and to any one who heard it- they couldn't help but fall in love with you." He pulled his head back to look up at Willow who was still lifeless on the table. He felt another surge of emotions rush through him, with despair taking over every part of his being.

"I love you. God I love you more than anything." Jasper sobbed and pulled his knees to his chest. "I spent a long time without you, but now, I don't know how to be without you." The words were spoken into his jeans but the pain was almost too much for him to bear.

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