Chapter 7

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*Spicy Chapter Ahead* 

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*Spicy Chapter Ahead* 


That was the only word for what this was. Willow couldn't think of anything else to call but, god, it was the sweetest type of torture. Here she was in Bora Bora with the loves of her life, spending the days on the beach and in town. At night, when the sun set with balcony doors open, they set the room ablaze.

Willow tugged on the silk binding that bound her arms to the bed posts. They were designed to be pain free but with the way Willow was tugging at them there was no doubt that there was going to be some type of mark.

"Please, I- I can't take anymore." Willow cried out with her head tossed back on the pillow with her back arching off the bed.

Koda was buried between her legs. His tongue was diving in deep while his hands held her thighs apart. He pulled his tongue back out and licked from her slit up until he reached her clit. With his eyes locked on Willows he sucked hard on her clit. She screamed out with her back arching off of the bed. Where his tongue had previously been was replaced with his finger. He slid them in and out with such ease due to her last two orgasms.

"Koda, please." Willow begged for the torture to end as she felt the big bang build in her lower abdomen once again. Willow lifted her head to look down at him and she swore that he smirked at her.

"Cum Willow." Jasper's deep voice rang out from the chair in the corner where he had been watching the entire thing. It was clear that it was a command and with Kodas tongue circling her over sensitive clit she obeyed, Her body shaking and her sensitive walls tightening and fluttering around Kodas fingers. She muffled her cries by biting her lip until a little blood trickled from her lip.

"That's enough Koda." Jasper ordered. Koda lifted his head with his chin covered in Willow's juices. Slowly he pulled his fingers out still fluttering walls. He gave a wicked smile and patted Willow's thigh tenderly.

"Such a good girl." Kodas words made Willows already flushed cheeks burn brighter and her heart seemed to swell with pride.

Silently Jasper rose from his seat and made strides over to the bed. He looked down at Willow with lust in his eyes as his fingers slowly ran down her arm. His cold touch sent shockwaves through Willow. He moved his hand from her arm and cradled her check, his eyes taking in every feature. He drug his thumb over her cracked lip, collecting the blood that dribbled down. Willow watched with wide intrigued eyes as he brought it to his mouth.

Slowly he licked the blood off with his eyes closed and the action had heat pooling at her core once again and she couldn't explain why. Maybe it was the moan that escaped his lips and the way that his eyes screwed shut. When he opened his eyes again there was a faint red tint to them that only Willow or Koda would notice.

"Be patient for me darlin'." Jasper brushed his hand through her hair before he stepped back from the bed. "Koda, come here."

Koda didn't hesitate to make his way over to Jasper. Both of them still had their pants on but Willow could still see how hard they both were through the fabric. As soon as Koda was in front of Jasper the blonde attacked. His lips were on Koda in such a rush that Koda stumbled backwards slightly. Jaspers hand tangled into Kodas long hair and pulled him closer, while Kodas fingers dug into Jaspers back.

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