Chapter 2

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"You're not even trying." Paul grumbled as he bumped the padding on his hands together. "Come on Lola, punch like you mean it." He held the pads back up in front with his feet steady.

"I don't like this." Willow muttered as swung her hand, covered with a boxing glove to lazily hit the padding.

"I don't care if you like it." Paul huffed as he pushed his padded covered hand against hers, making her stumble back.

"I'm not a fighter." She complained as tried to use the boxing glove to move a strand of hair out of her face. Paul rolled his eyes as a sigh fell from his mouth, his hands dropping to his sides as he stared at her.

"We have been at this for almost a month. You need to learn to defend yourself." Paul stared down at her with a brow raised.

"I've been throwing punches at you for weeks and I'm not getting any better and my hands are bruised." Willow gripped as she turned her back on, her hand struggling to rip the velcro off.

"Let me see." Paul quickly tossed the padding to the ground while Willow turned to face him. She watched him with tired eyes as he pulled to get her boxing gloves. "These are from the first weekend." He whispered under his breath as he examined the fading bruises around her knuckles.

"Yeah but they still hurt." Willow huffed in annoyance as she pulled her hand back from his.

"Willow it is important that you know how to defend yourself." Paul began to rant as he moved to put the boxing supplies back in his duffle bag. "You agreed to try and so far you have barley put forth any effort."

"I only agreed because Jasper talked me into it." The redhead peeled the tape off of her hands. "I don't like fighting, I'd rather have target practice." She continued to grumble as she tossed the ball of tape at Paul's head.

"I know that. Charlie has been teaching you to shoot since you were thirteen." Paul swatted the tape ball away.

"Then why do I need to know how to fight?" Willow leaned against the tree they were under and her fingers combing her hair out of her bun, letting it fall around her shoulders.

"You're not always gonna have a gun." Paul crossed his arms over his chest, his expression going soft, his eyes shifting between her and the ground. "Besides, if it came down to it, could you shoot Noah?"

Silence surrounded them, the sounds of the forest echoing around them. Willow gave Paul a hard look, her hazel eyes glazed over with a moment of anger, before she dropped them to the ground. Her silence giving him the answer that he already knew before he dropped down to the spot next to her. They sat side by side under the tree in silence for what felt like forever before Willow's head fell over onto his shoulder.

"Do you have a date for the wedding?" Willow questioned while the wind blew around them. Paul scoffed and situated himself to wrap his arm around her shoulders, his fingers combing through her long redhead.

"Unfortunately, no." He laughed softly. "The population of gay men in Forks is really lacking." There was disappointment in his voice and Willow understood why, he was lonely in a way that Willow could never solve.

"I have faith that you're going to find someone." Willow patted his leg as she reassured him.

"You're too optimistic." Paul rolled his eyes and playfully pushed her causing her to roll off of him into the grass.

"One of us has to be." Willow laughed as she kicked him in his side and he acted as if the impact had caused him pain.

The two of them laughed together, both of them laying sideways in the grass. Suddenly Paul became stiff, his head popping back up in the air while his eyes scanned the area. In a flash he was on his feet, his chest was heaving as he looked around.

"There's a vampire coming." Paul gave a breathy whisper while Willow quickly rose to her feet, her eyes searching as well.

"It's probably one of the Denails coming in for the wedding." Willow tried to reassure him but his senses were on overdrive.

"Who?" Paul growled in his chest.

"They're cousins of the Cullens. They're supposed to be here for the wedding." Willow backed away to put distance between the two of them.

"The wedding is not for three days." Paul huffed and in the blink of an eye he phased, his clothes shredding in the air. Willow watched with a bored look and rolled her eyes as Paul's wolf form hovered over her.

"You're being dramatic." The redhead sighed before a short gust of wind and a rattle of leaves sounded behind them. Both the small human and the horse size wolf turned their heads to see a man smirking at the two.

His eyes were bright gold and his hair was curly with a light brown shade and hung down on his forehead slightly. He had a small neatly trimmed beard and his skin was tan but with a stone like quality. He wasn't very tall, about average for a male but he was just as handsome as every other vampire Willow had ever met.

He was dressed very differently from the others, worn out blue jeans, a faded red and black flannel, and a scuffed up pair of cowboy boots. Around his waist was a old fashioned holster belt that hung low on one hip, a shinny handle of an old fashioned revolver sticking out.

"Well hot damn, you must be Willow Grace Davis. The foxy little redhead that stole my pal Jaspers heart." His smirk turned into a smile, his words pouring out with a country twang that was stronger than Jaspers. Willow had to rack her brain for the name that went along with Jasper's many stories.

"Ezekiel?" Willow questioned with a brow raised, Paul huffed as he positioned himself in between the Willow and the new vampire.

"In the flesh." He let out a boisterous laugh. "I must say you're way too pretty for the likes of Jasper."

"Thank you." Willow blushed and shrugged her shoulders. "I thought you guys weren't coming in till the day of the wedding?" The redhead used her leg to nudge Paul to the side but he continued to stare at the vampire in front of them.

"The rest of my family will be, but I had to come down early to spend some quality time with my cousins." His eyes shifted to Paul for the first time, his gold eyes taking in every aspect of Paul's wolf form. "Nice pet." Ezekiel smirked as a snarl came from Paul's lips.

"Actually this is my best friend Paul, he's a shapeshifter and he's cranky today." Willow explained, earning a hard bump from the gray wolf.

"Well I'll be damned." Ezekiel laughed as he stepped closer, bending down slightly to be eye level with Paul. "I haven't seen hide nor hair of wolf shifters in almost two centuries, and I ain't never seen one with eyes this pretty."

Ezekiel and Paul stood there staring at each other for such a long moment that Willow began to feel awkward. She began to fidget on her feet, her eyes glancing between them and the forest.

"We were just about to head back to Cullens house if you want to come with us." Willow stated as she grabbed the duffle bag, her brows raised as watched the two break out of their trance.

"I would be delighted, sweetheart." Ezekiel smirked and nodded his head as he stood straight up. 

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