Chapter 9

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Before Willow knew it the entire family was gathered in the living room with the tension so thick that it could be cut with a knife

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Before Willow knew it the entire family was gathered in the living room with the tension so thick that it could be cut with a knife. The room was divided with Rosalie, Emmett, Esme, Bella , and Willow. The other side was filled with Alice, Cassie, Jasper, and Edward. Sitting in the middle, on the couch was Carisle with his face resting in his hands. Willow and Koda both stood off to the side and watched as the family argued.

"This is unnatural." Jasper was the first to break the silence from his spot on the wall.

"So are vampires." Willow snapped back with her head resting against the glass door.

"We need to get rid of it! Get it out of her!" Edward demanded.

"You don't get that choice." Rosalie said as she protectively stepped in front of Bella.

"Maybe we should all calm down." Esme tried to interject but Alice cut her off.

"I can't see the fetus and I can't see Bella. What's in her is a danger to all of us." Alice harped with her features twisted into a grimace of worry.

"It's a baby Alice." Emmett's expression changed to one of disbelief as she looked over at the pixie haired vampire.

"It will kill Bella and I won't allow that." Edward countered.

"I just want to point out that none of this would have happened if Bella was a lesbian," Cassie shrugged nonchalantly, earning a snort from both Willow and Bella.

"This isn't a joke." Jasper stated flatly.

"This is my choice. I choose to have this baby." Bella spoke with a stern voice as she stood to her feet and moved around Rosalie.

"Carlisle please talk some sense into her." Edward pleaded to his adopted father who was still sitting silently on the couch.With a sigh he ran a hand through his blonde hair before he stood to his feet.

"If Bella wants to have the baby then there is nothing I can do but try to help her." Carlisle's gold eyes shifted from Edward back over to Bella. "This will take a toll on your body and there is no guarantee that you will survive this."

Bella asked to be excused. THe fighting was getting to her and that was obvious. Rosalie volunteered to take her up to Edwards room to lay down. No one said a word as she walked out. Willow's eyes were drawn to the baby bump that was already showing. When they were gone Alice rose from her seat, the anger radiating off of her.

"What if this thing is a monster?" Alice stated firmly and when no one said anything she turned her attention towards Jasper. "What if it was a risk to Willow's safety?"

Alice was pulling on all the right strings. Jasper would do anything to save Willow and to keep her safe. Getting Jasper on her side would be good. He'as the only one who could convince Rosalie any different. There was a beat of silence and Willow wondered what her boyfriend was going to say. What side he would be on. Willow glanced at Koda who was staring intently at Jasper, waiting for his response.

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