Chapter 17

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Bella woke from her comatose state three days after Rensemee's birth, ironically enough it was her birthday when she woke up

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Bella woke from her comatose state three days after Rensemee's birth, ironically enough it was her birthday when she woke up. Surprisingly she handled her bloodlust well but it was decided that Willow would need to keep her distance. Without an argument Willow moved back into the house with Charlie. At first it was uncomfortable because Charlie was still under the impression that Bella was sick and the Cullen's' plan had been to leave Forks, all except Jasper, and start over.

That all changed the day Jacob phased in front of Charlie, ignoring the protests of Willow. The Cullen's' plans suddenly shifted after that and the plan was to stay. Once everything officially calmed down Willow and Jasper and Koda made up for lost time. If Willow wasn't with Jasper or Koda she was with Paul and any free time after that was spent babysitting Renesmee.

After a long morning spent on La Push beach Paul and Willow stumbled back into Charlie's house laughing. Despite the cooler air of autumn setting in, the sun had been out all day and Willow's skin was glowing, her salt water covered hair was tossed up in a bun, wearing a white bikini top and a pair of cut off shorts. Paul looked like he always did shirtless with jean shorts, his skin was a little tanner and his hair was wet.

"I hope you two are hungry. I have steaks hot off the grill." Charlie called out as the two walked into the kitchen.

"I hope you made enough because I'm starving." Paul smirked as he dug through the fridge for a soda and grabbed a water for Willow.

"I have four rare steaks set aside for you." Charlie smiled. "How was the beach?"

"It was a perfect day, the waves were good." Willow had already taken her spot at the table.

"Jasper stopped by while you were out and left a package for you." Charlie placed a plate of a steak and a plate of grilled corn on the cobbs.

"That's weird. We have a date tonight. He could have just given it to me then?" Charlie just shrugged at her question and opened his beer.

The three of them ate and talked amongst each other with an occasional question from Charlie about Bella's new look as he liked it all. They talked about Renesmee growing at a rapid rate but surprisingly Charlie didn't push the subject too much. When the bowl of fruit was set on the table is when Charlie asked the question.

"So, Paul, do you turn into a big wolf too?" Willow's eyes went big and with fruit in her mouth she twisted to look at Paul. He looked just as flabbergasted as Willow but after a second he laughed it off.

"My wolf is bigger." Paul's words made Willow roll her eyes. Charlie simply nodded and took a sip of his beer.

"Are you human?" Charlie turned to Willow who was tossing a grape in the air to catch in her mouth. It bounced off her eye and rolled on the table until it fell in Charlie's lap. "Never mind."

"Well that was great. I love your cooking Charlie." Willow stood grabbing the bowl of fruit, moving around the table to place a kiss on the top of Charlie's head. "I have to start getting ready and Paul promised to help me."

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