Chapter 6

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"Just go on a date with him

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"Just go on a date with him. He gave you his number for a reason." Willow was laying down across the seats in the airport with her head resting in Koda's lap. Paul was on the other end of the line talking about his crush on Ezekiel.

"It's more complicated than that and you know that." Paul snapped back from somewhere away from the phone.

"Grow up Paul." Willow rolled her eyes and smiled up at Koda who was absent mindedly reading a spell book and running his fingers through her red hair.

"'Grow up Paul'. Okay. Mom." Paul did his best imitation of her.

"Very mature." Willow readjusted her legs and switched ears with the phone. "You're a real adult." There was a moment of silence where Willow could hear the text chime of Paul's phone go off and then a gasp. "What is it?"

"He texted me." Paul whispered as if some else would hear them.

"What did he say?" Willow whispered back.

"He asked if I was free next week." Paul sounded half excited and half anxious.

"Well tell him you are."

"It's not that easy." Paul huffed.

"You are the one making it complicated." Willow rolled her eyes. "You're both single, you're both hot, and you both obviously want each other. Just go out."

"But he's a vampire." Paul groaned and Willow could hear him throw himself down on the bed.

"So what? One date. If you don't like it, you never have to go out with him again."

"Alright. One date. I can do that." Paul sounded sure of himself.

"That's all you need." Willow smiled.

"Okay. I'm going to text him back." Paul's words faded when a man in his thirties with glasses on the tip of his nose aggressively smacked Willow's feet out of the seat she had them propped on.

The action caused Willow to fall off of Kodas lap and land on the ground.

"Move." The man stated as he moved to sit down in the seat Willows feet had been in.

"You son of a bitch." Koda spat as he rose to his feet tossing his book to the side.

"I've gotta go, Paul." Willow hung the phone up before he could respond. Koda helped her back onto her feet before turning back to the man sitting unbothered.

"Apologize to her." Koda stepped closer to the man and pointed at Willow as he spoke. The man ignored Koda with a smirk on his face. Willow could feel the magic and anger swirling off of Koda.

"Koda, it's okay." Willow placed her hand on his chest. Koda wasn't the type to get angry and he wasn't the type to do something out of malice.

"Listen to your bitch." The man grumbled and anger spiked in Willow. She turned on her heel to counter, but she was met with Jasper standing in front of the man with a bag of food in his hand.

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