Chapter 23

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"I killed you

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"I killed you." Willow spat the words with venom and her bloody hand still loosely wrapped around the handle. Noah smirked and perched himself on the arm of the couch, his tongue ticking on the roof of his mouth.

"Yupp." He turned his head and Willow followed his gaze. Laying on the ground where Willow had once been laying a puddle of blood in her place. Less than two feet away was the lifeless body of Noah in the same position that he had fallen from the gunshot. Willow let out a sigh of relief, her lips quivering as she focused on steady breathing.

"So why am I seeing you?"

"I've had a hold on your mind for years." Noah laughed, his fingers scratching on the stubble on his jaw line. "I've twisted your mind in a way that you will never recover from."

"That's not true." Willow lifted her head from the wall, her swollen eye burling the vision of Noah. "You're dead. I won." Her words echoed with a sense of pride but at the same time she felt a wave of nausea that was not brought on by her injuries, by her own words.

Noah laughed again and pushed himself off the couch, in a few strides he crouched down in front of her. His long hair fell in front of his face, his dark eyes increasing the cold feeling on her skin. "How naive of you." Noah whispered his eyes scanning over her face.

"Get away from me." Willow muttered, wincing as she tried to move further back into the wall, pain surging through her.

"I might be dead, princess, but I'm the winner here." Willow stayed quiet as he decided to elaborate. "See, unless there's a way your dog comes too in enough time then you will die. I won." His long pale fingers reached out to graze her cheeks, she swore that she could feel him as if he was actually there. "If you, by some chance make it to your blood suckers and you make the turn. Your soft, loving soul will be filled with guilt that you won't be able to cope with."

"Stop." Willow closed her eyes and turned her head away from him.

"You're a murderer." Noah stated harshly. "You can't blame it on the bloodlust of a newborn. You pulled the trigger. You committed murder."

"It was self defense." Willow argued quietly with her eyes still closed.

"No, no, no. See, it was premeditated. You brought those guns in here and you planned to shoot me. You can't even deny that." Noah's words cut into her chest, her head shook slowly from side to side.

"You're wrong." Willow whispered.

"We'll see." Noah's voice held a smirk but Willow kept her eyes, her head still shaking slightly. Silence filled the room but her head fell against the wall slightly, exhaustion filling into every part of her being.

"You don't believe him, do you?" Willow let her eyes snap open, Noah was no longer there in his place was Cassie, sitting on the floor cross legged directly across from her, her hands free of her gloves. Willow let out a breathless laugh, her lips twisting into a forced and pained smile.

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