Chapter 1

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All Willow needed for her spot in the art exhibit was a set of five paintings that were set in a theme

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All Willow needed for her spot in the art exhibit was a set of five paintings that were set in a theme. She had secluded herself to her room for her mind to focus on ideas. When the time had come she had successfully produced five gorgeous oil paintings.

The series was called Mythology and they depicted some of Willow's favorite people and aspects of nature. She was very proud of how they all turned out and she beamed with pride when she saw them hanging up on the exhibit walls. She was in love with her work and she hoped that viewers would like them too.

"This dress is ridiculous." Willow complained as she fidgeted in the passenger seat of Carlisle's mercedes. "Alice and Cassie are never allowed to pick out my clothes again." She continued to complain as she worked to adjust the sleeves that went to her wrists.

"Stop it." Jasper laughed as he glanced over from the road, his hand reaching over to grab her arm. "You look beautiful but if you keep tugging you're gonna rip the dress." He moved to grab her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers.

"I can't help it. I'm not used to clothes like this." Her dress was a long sleeve silver sequin dress that was floor length. Willow could thank Cassie for the slit that went straight up to her to display every ounce of her left leg. Willow could thank Alice for the cleavage cut that went down to the top of her abdomen.

"Relax darlin'. You're more nervous than you are uncomfortable."Jasper smirked as he gave her hand a squeeze. Willow turned her head to give him a smile, her hazel eyes scanning over him with appreciation.

He was dressed in a black button up that was tight around his chest and his biceps. He had a pair of gray pants with a pair of black shoes. His hair was slicked back neatly, the ends brushing softly against his shoulders, although Willow would have loved it in a bun.

"My hair is too tight on my head."Willow complained as she moved her head to the side with her free hand wanting to pull it out.

"If you take that out before we get there Rosalie will have fit." He warned with a brow raised and his lips twisted in a smirk. She let out an aggravated sigh and pulled her fingers away from the tight elegant bun with a braid around the bottom to make it more elegant.

"Remind me to not let her do my hair for the wedding." Willow grumbled as she placed her hand back into her lap. The two rode in silence for a bit, the soft music from the radio playing as background noise.

"I'm very proud of you." Jasper smiled and gave her hand a small squeeze. Willow felt her lips turning up into a large smile, she pulled his hand up to her lips.

"That means the world to me Jazz." The redhead whispered with her lips still on the back of his hand.

Koda met them there on his motorcycle after an all day meeting with the pack. He was dressed up too, in a rugged style. He wore his riding boots with a pair of black jeans, he wore a white button up under his leather jacket. His long hair was tied into a braid down his back.

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