Chapter 16

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The moon was bright in the Oregon sky, filling it with a certain amount of beauty that Noah could appreciate

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The moon was bright in the Oregon sky, filling it with a certain amount of beauty that Noah could appreciate. After Willow took up residence with the Cullens, Noah had been forced to relocate to think of a new strategy. Oregon reminded him of freedom and helped him relax from the stress of planning a murder. Noah had found shelter at a random woman's house, Bethany might have been her name, he wasn't really sure. They met at a club and a one night stand was born.

Noah left her in the bedroom, shirtless with his jeans on, and a cigarette burning between his lips. Her porch had a small patio set that Noah had laid out the surveillance that he had on Willow. Photos of her driving, photos of her with Charlie, photos of her with Jasper, and with paul. Photos of her sleeping, crying, and changing. He had tracked her every move for weeks before she vanished from public view.

"Enjoying your night?" A familiar voice caught Noah's attention, it was deep and forgin. Noah laughed before he took another drag, letting the smoke rise into the air. Noah turned his head to see Demetri accompanied by three other vampires. Instead of wearing the old robes from the past century, they were dressed in modern fashion. Two of them looked like children, beautiful and angelic, but children nonetheless. The other new face was beautiful and terrifying as well, he was bigger than the brute Cullen.

"Nice to see you again Demetri." Noah smirked as he mumbled around the cigarette. "Whose with you?"

"Friends." Demetri stated coldly, his blood red eyes staring into Noah. Demetri kept his arms behind his back, his demeanor was almost stone like.

"What's with the surprise visit?" Noah questioned as he knocked the ashes off the end of his cigarette. In the blink of an eye the vampire was sitting next Noah, the other three were still standing a few feet away.

"We came to discuss our arrangement." Demetri picked up one of the pictures of Willow. "You have not followed through."

"I'm doing my best." Noah huffed as he pulled the photo back out of the vampires hands.

All of a sudden his vision went black and his sense of hearing was gone. He was suddenly blind and deaf causing his panic to surge through him. Noah fell out of his chair, his cigarette burning his hand when he did. When he tried to protest, pain surged through his body unlike anything he had ever felt before. The pain was so intense that he couldn't even scream. Every bone in his body felt like it was breaking and melting at the same time. His muscles were twisting and and ripping in half.

As quickly as it started it stopped.

The pain died away but the lingering effect was still echoing in the soreness of his body. He collapsed on the porch, in a fetal position with his sight and hearing restored. His eyes turned to the three vampires standing next a few feet away. The brute was unphased, the young boy seemed bored, but the young girl was grinning from ear to ear with amusement.

"Trying is not good enough." Demetri spoke coldly from his spot in the chair. Noah was breathing heavily as he tried to stand back up to his feet.

"I-I have a plan." Noah stuttered as he collapsed back into the chair. "I swear. You can tell Caius that I will kill her."

"Caius is not the one who gave you this job." The young girl spoke with a bitter tone.

"But the letters and Demetri said-" Noah started but Demetri cut him off.

"It was a lie. The Olympic Coven needed to think that you are acting on Caius orders. That is what they would expect." Demetri crossed his legs and leaned back in the chair. "You were naive enough to fall for it."

"Then who wants her dead?" Noah asked with confusion in his features.

"Aro. The leader of the Volturi." The young boy spoke for the first time.

"Why?" Noah questioned with a brow raised.

"Because Caius is infatuated with the...human." The girl spoke with disgust. "He is becoming soft and Aro will not allow it." In a quick motion he threw a stack of letters on the table in front of Noah. All of them were addressed to 'My Dearest, Willow'.

"We need a reason to destroy the Olympic Coven. Caius will destroy them if he thinks they killed her." The young boy spoke again while the brute moved towards the door.

"Your boss wants Willow dead in order to start a war?" Noah's brow knitted together as he looked through the stack of letters.

"For simplicity I will say yes." Demetri placed his hands in his lap. "Caius has no idea about this plan and it needs to remain that way. If you intend to reap your reward."

"No chance of getting any help from you guys?" Noah's collected demeanor returned as he pulled his pack of cigarettes out of his back pocket. If he talked to them as if was their friends he might make it out alive tonight.

"You seemed confident before that you could take care of the situation." Demetri sounded bored as he spoke.

"Well that was before she surrounded herself with vampires and werewolves at all times." Noah shrugged his shoulders as he pulled a cigarette out.

"Wolves? I haven't heard of any in a while." Demetri stood from the chair and began to pace. "Make it look like a Wolf killed her. That will enrage Caius even more."

"You will be able to perform this task will you not?" The young girl narrowed her eyes and Noah swore that he felt another slight surge of pain that made him gasp.

"Jane." Demetri warned and the girl's eyes shifted to the male vampire. "Were giving you a month."

"That seems reasonable." Noah stated calmly while he fidgeted the cigarette in his hand.

"If you make any mistake, we'll kill you." The girl's voice was cold but it held the truth. Noah simply nodded and lit the end of his cigarette. There was a moment of silence that was uncomfortable, where the vampires exchanged looks.

"Noah, my friends have traveled a long distance and have worked up quite the appetite. Do you care if they help themselves to a snack?" Demetri nodded his head toward the house and Noah knew they were talking about Bethany or whatever her name was.

"Help yourself. Just don't make too much a mess, I can't have the damn cops after me." Noah took a drag and blew the smoke into the night air.

"We have a lot of experience with this." The brute spoke for the first time with a grin before he pulled the screen door open. Noah watched him and the two children step inside of the house, a slight grin on his face. Demetri stayed with Noah, his pacing coming to a halt, his attention turning to the photos.

"I have met her." Demetri stated as he looked down at the photograph."Everyone thought her brown haired cousin smelt better, but to me, Willow was the most desirable."

"You have a crush on her too?" Noah grumbled as he smoked. Demetri laughed and grabbed the photo of Willow with her dropping her towel.

"I enjoy a hunt that involves an interesting and appetizing prey." Demetri examined the photo with a smirk.

"She's not your prey." Noah narrowed his eyes at the vampire who pocketed the picture.

"She will be, if you fail." At Demetri's words the other three stepped back out, the brute carrying Bethany's lifeless body.

"We'll dispose of the body. You need to relocate." The young boy stated as they walked away. Demetri lingered for a moment before sparring Noah before disappearing.

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