Chapter 19

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Paul wanted to be drunk, no Paul needed to be drunk

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Paul wanted to be drunk, no Paul needed to be drunk. He could have kicked himself for pissing off his best friend. The two of them fought all the time but every time Paul sulked in his own self pity.

"You look like a kicked puppy." Ezekiel's voice sounded and his large hand landed on the small of Paul's back. "What was the fight about this time?"

"I talked out of my ass." Paul huffed before drinking his beer. "Like usual."

"You do have a talent for it." Ezekiel's words made Paul's head snap toward him with a look of disbelief. Paul took a moment to look at the costume that his boyfriend was wearing; he truly did look like a knight. Ezekiel had on a pair of trousers with a long purple tunic, fake metal armor was strapped to his chest, his boots were brown and knee length. He had a fake sword strapped to his waist, his brown hair was slicked back from his face.

"Thanks for the kind words." Paul mumbled and turned his attention to the living room that was turned into a dance floor. Ezekiel laughed and wrapped his tan arms around Paul's waist, pulling Paul flush against his chest.

"Y'er overthinkin'. Willow always comes around." Ezekiel breathed against Paul's neck, and the action caused Paul to lean his head back against his boyfriend's shoulder. "Let's have some fun."

"You hate parties." Paul whispered but Ezekiel could hear him. Ezekiel hummed and pressed his lips to Paul's neck.

"I like tryin' new things." Ezekiel smiled against his neck, his teeth nipping at the vain in Paul's. Ezekiel released him and Paul turned, his fingers entangling with his boyfriends. Paul drank the rest of his beer, tossing it into the trash a few feet from them. He quickly moved his free hand to Ezekiel's face, Paul's thumb slowly tracing over his lips.

"How about we just get out of here? I know a lot of new things we could try." Paul spoke slowly, his thumb now resting in between his boyfriend's lips. Ezekiel smirked as he slowly licked his tongue up the rugged pad of Paul's thumb. Paul groaned when his boyfriend pulled away with a wink.

"I never met a shapeshifter I would love to get into bed with until I met you. However, let's save that for after the party." Ezekiel whispered as he leaned in to press his cold lips to Paul's warm ones. Their lips moved together in sync and Paul used his free hand to grab Ezekiel's shirt and pull him flush against his body. Paid groaned out loud when his boyfriend pulled away.

"You're a tease." Paul grumbled as they walked back into the house where the party was in full swing. The music was loud enough to make Paul's eardrums rattle, the smell of smoke and alcohol flooded his nostrils.

Paul saw familiar faces everywhere. Leah was leaning against the far wall, dressed as Wonder Woman, smiling around the lip of her beer as a girl dressed up as Black Widow whispered in her ear. Seth was in the middle of the dance floor, dressed as Freddie Mercury and he was dancing like his life depended on it.

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