Chapter 13

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"Are you sure you have thought through these names?" Willow questioned as she moved her freckled covered hand through Bella's mousey brown hair that was covering her lap

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"Are you sure you have thought through these names?" Willow questioned as she moved her freckled covered hand through Bella's mousey brown hair that was covering her lap. Bella was spread out on the large couch with the quilted tee-shirt blanket covering her. The pregnant woman had gained some of her color back in her cheeks, along with some good health thanks to drinking blood.

"I like them." Bella smiled up at her red headed cousin who almost looked in worse shape than herself. Her messy hair was tied up on her head, with purple bags under her eyes and she had become slightly paler. Willow was dedicated to helping Bella at every waking moment.

Rosalie was there too, sitting far away in a corner reading a book about advanced auto repair. Willow's scent had been a major problem a few days before with an incident that led to Jasper and Emmett fighting. Luckily, Carlisle came up with a solution, although Willow wasn't sure that it had actually helped.

The Davis girl was wearing the discarded clothes of the four werewolves that had taken residence in the Cullen house. The scent was enough to keep the vampires away but their bloodlust was growing stronger with each passing day. Jasper was now staying on the opposite side of the house, and to Willow's despair it hurt her heart more than she would say.

"Edward Jacob?" Willow let the name pour out of her lips a hint of sarcasm. "Isn't that just a little weird, considering the past two years." There was a moment of silence and Willow could feel Bella's head shift to the side and her shoulders shrugged against Willow's thigh.

"They mean the most to me." Bella's tone was filled with affection.

"I'm feeling jealous about not being mixed into that big jumble of a name you have for a girl." Willow's fingers stilled as she heard the joyous laugh that escaped from Bella's mouth.

"You're ridiculous." Bella laughed with her head tilted back to meet Willow's eyes. "You told me you liked Renesmee." Her features shifted into a look of concern, her eyebrows raised with question.

"I truthfully do." Willow smiled and started running her fingers through Bella's soft hair. "But I'm hoping for a girl anyway." Willow's smile fell into a small grin that was forced. Once again silence surrounded the two girls and Willow forced her hazel eyes to look over at the round swell of Bella's stomach under her baggy shirt.

"I know something is bothering you."Bella broke the silence with her eyes slowly closing." I'm just not sure what it is." Her voice was coated with drowsiness.

"Nothing is bothering me Bells." Willow lied and wrapped a strand of Bella's hair around her finger.

"You're a bad liar." Bella smirked as she nuzzled her nose into the back of the couch.

"That really hurts my feelings." The red haired girl made a mock expression of hurt. "I think I am an excellent liar." Bella gave a small snort and took a long breath.

"I'm getting tired Lola." The words came out muffled as she yawned, her eyes staying shut.

"Do you want me to help you to bed?" Willow asked with no move to stand up.

"No." Bella lifted his head just slightly so Willow could stand, placing a pillow under her cousin's head. "I think I'm just going to sleep here. Promise you will get some rest too?" Willow brushed some of Bella's hair away from her face, Willow's own face falling back into her normal stoic expression.

"Of course. Promise to stop worrying about me?" Willow spoke the words as she watched her cousin drift further into sleep.

"I can't help it. I'm your older cousin, it's my job." Bella whispered the words as she drifted further into unconscious sleep. Willow watched her for a few more minutes, swallowing down the fear that was spreading inside her. She didn't want to admit that she may have to live without her cousin, a reality that seemed to be growing closer everyday.

She waited until Bella had drifted off before she moved to the patio to get some fresh air. Willow was mentally and physically exhausted, not to mention she was emotionally drained. Jasper was so close but still far away. Koda was still in London tracking down leads and even though he called everyday to check in, it wasn't the same as having him there.

"Look at you little bird. You look terrible." Alex was sitting in one of the patio chairs with his feet propped up on the table.

"Go away." Willow mumbled.

"You should really take better care of yourself." Alex smirked. "Wouldn't want you falling apart now." Willow decided to ignore him but nevertheless he continued. "She's going to die, you know?"

"You don't know that." Willow countered and turned to face him.

"Do you honestly think anyone has survived something like this? Use your brain little bird." Alex leaned forward and dropped his feet from the table.

"That's what Koda is trying to figure out." Willow snapped back.

"Your witch hasn't found anything useful yet. He'as not going to either. Your precious cousin is going to die and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it."

"Shut up." Willow mumbled under her breath as she screwed her eyes shut.

"Are you praying for a miracle? You think your prayers are going to do anything? You've never prayed before. Why start now?"

"Stop it." She raised her voice slightly and clenched her fists at her sides.

"That thing inside of her is going to kill her. It's time that you accept that. Bella is going to die and you can't stop it."

"I said STOP!" Willow shouted the last word as her eyes snapped up to no longer see Alex but instead she saw Paul and Leah staring at her.

"Who were you talking to?" Leah asked with her brow raised as she turned to look at the patio furniture that Willow had been facing.

"I- uh- I-" Willow stuttered and looked to Paul with fresh tears streaming down her face. He looked like he was waiting for a response but upon seeing her tears he wrapped her in a tight hug.

"It's okay. Tell us when you're ready." Paul muttered into her hair. Willow clung to him because it was the first hug she had had in weeks. She cried into his chest until her legs gave out and they both dropped to their knees together. Paul held her until she cried herself to sleep.

"We're not going to talk about what just happened?" Leah asked as Paul maneuvered Willow into his arms to carry her inside.

"I think it's PTSD." Paul stated as Leah opened the patio door for him. "She sometimes sees that vampire that kidnapped her."

"Shit." Leah muttered and followed Paul as he carried her up to Jasper's bedroom. The blonde vampire was nowhere to be seen but Paul knew he was somewhere in the house.

"She needs rest. We all do." Paul muttered as he laid her down on the bed and worked to unclench her hands from his shirt. 

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