Chapter 25

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The moment Paul's truck came to a stop in the Cullens driveway Carlisle was at his passenger side

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The moment Paul's truck came to a stop in the Cullens driveway Carlisle was at his passenger side. Paul didn't get a chance to tell him that the door was jammed before he pried it open, softly catching Willow before she fell to the ground. His fingers pressed against her neck, silent for a moment.

"She's still alive." Carlisle maneuvered to pick her up, her body completely limp, her head laying loosely over his arm hanging free. It was the first time Paul noticed the nasty bruising on her face. "When did she lose consciousness?"

"I-I - when we hit your road- I think - that's um- when she stopped talking-" Paul quickly jumped out to follow behind the doctor.

"Who did this?" Roaslise questioned, dressed in overalls and a plaid shirt, her blonde hair pulled back in a braid.

"Noah." Paul stated as Rosalie's eyes examined the wound.

"Emmett, keep Jasper back. Someone contact Koda. We could use his healing powers. " Rosalise called as the two blonde vampires moved towards the makeshift hospital room in the back. There was a roar of rage and the shuffling of feet and the sounds of bodies colliding.

"Edward. Cassie. I need help." Emmett yelled in the other room.

"WILLOW!" Jasper's voice echoed off the walls. Paul could feel the pain in his own chest hearing the words but he couldn't take his eyes off of his best friend. He was cut off from following, Ezekiel's cold hands landing on his bare shoulders and gold eyes stopping him in his tracks.

"Paul. Paul look at me." Ezekiel's tone was calm but Paul could see the worry in his expression. "Are you hurt?" He asked as his eyes lowered to the blood on Paul's chest.

"I'm- it's- it's not my blood." Paul muttered absent mindedly, his eyes unfocused as he moved his attention back to the makeshift hospital room. "I have to be with her." Paul pushed away his boyfriend's hands and moved past him.

"Paul maybe- maybe you shouldn't." Ezekiel protested but he made no moves to stop his boyfriend. Paul walked into the far end, his eyes glued on his friend laying on the hospital bed. Tubes were connected to her arms, oxygen inserted into her nose, and wires connected to her chest. Esme was helping Rosalie cut the fabric of her shirt.

"Oh god." Paul turned to see Jasper in the doorway behind him, his clothes and hair completely disheveled. "Carlisle! Change her!" He yelled as he stepped in a little further.

"I have to stabilize her." Carlisle explained as his gloved covered hand slowly pulled the blade out, his other hand applying pressure to the wound. "She is too weak. The venom could kill her."

He worked at such a fast pace that Paul struggled to keep up with what he was doing. Carlisle kept his focus on stopping the bleeding from her stab wound, bloody gauze piled on the floor. Paul slowly made his way further into the room, his eyes never leaving Willow. The others were standing outside the window watching, including Seth and Leah. Jasper seemed frozen in terror, never getting close enough to actually see her injuries, free of losing control, Paul supposed.

"Her pressure is dropping." Rosalie spoke with no emotion, her eyes watching the monitor.

"NOW CARLISLE!" Jasper screamed causing Paul to jump slightly. The long haired vampire moved past him.

"SHE WON'T SURVIVE!" Carlisle yelled back, his eyes never leaving Willow.

"Carlisle- maybe you should go ahead and change her." Emse spoke softly beside him, her small hand landing on his shoulder. The doctor shook his head, his hands still working diligently.

"She might not survive it." Casrlise muttered as he turned his head just slightly to look at Jasper who was completely distraught.

"She's not going to survive laying here." Rosalie countered, her eyes still on the monitor. There was a moment of hesitation, where Carlise shifted his eyes between the wound and the windows, to Paul and lastly to Jasper again.

Hesitation was all it took. The monitors began screaming.

"SHE'S CRASHING!" Rosalie screamed as she moved to grab an oxygen bag, placing the mask over her nose and mouth, her hand pumping the back steadily.

"What's happening?" Paul questioned as he watched Esme begin to start CPR while Carlisle moved to grab a machine on wheels.

"She's flat lining." Esme called calmly over her shoulder. Jasper let out a cry of agony and there was a crash. Paul turned to see Jasper pulling his fist out of the wall, rage encasing every feature on his face.

"Do something! Please Carlisle!" Jasper begged as his hands moved to hair, gripping at the roots as if it was the only thing holding him there.

"CLEAR!" Carlisle yelled and Esme moved the two metal pads to Willow's chest. Her body arched at the shock sent through her body but went limp as soon as they left. The three vampires around her glanced at the monitor.

"Up the charge." Carlisle stated to Esme.

"Somebody get these two out of here." Rosalie demanded as she kept pumping the bag. It took Emmett, Edward, Alice, and Cassie to drag Jasper out of the room. His screams of protest and pain were ignored as he was dragged away.

Paul didn't protest, he felt like an empty shell as he watched them use the defibrillator against Willow's chest again. There was no change, but Paul could have swore he saw electricity flash between her fingers. His own heart felt like it was ready to stop, barely standing on his own as Ezekiel dragged him from the room. He had felt the exact moment the invisible string of imprint had snapped.

They tried once more. Another shock sent through her. Her body arched and then fell limp on the bed once again. The monitor still screamed a flat line on the screen. There was a silence that followed. Every vampire and shapeshifter waited to hear the sound of a heart beat, even if it was faint.




"You have to call it." Roaslie stopped pumping the bag. Paul held his breath, his eyes watching Carlisle, tears slowly falling down his cheeks.

"Time of death." Carlisle paused looking at the clock of the wall. "8:24 pm."

"NO!" A sob ripped through Paul's chest, his legs giving out underneath. Ezekiel fell to the floor with him, cold arms held him as he cried out in pain wrenching screams. His sobs were so loud that he missed the sound of Jasper screaming and falling onto the floor in Emmetts arms a room away.

Leah cried as she fled from the house phasing once she reached the fresh air. Seth slid his back down the wall, tears and sobs pouring from his mouth as well. Bella was nowhere to be seen, with her daughter, far away from the temptation of blood, but she could hear the sobs. She crumbled in the dining room of the cottage, choking down her sobs to keep from waking Renesmee.

"NO! NO! NO!" Jasper's sobs were loud enough that anyone could hear for miles. Cassie had moved to stand in the window, her eyes focused on her hands. Carlisle never moved, his eyes were still focused on Willow's lifeless form. Esme moved out to try and comfort her son who was too distraught to listen to anyone else.

"She's gone." Rosalie spoke softly as she placed her hand on the shoulder of her father, before she turned her eyes toward the window to lock eyes with a grieving Paul. "She's gone." She repeated for him this time. His sobs echoed louder as the words repeated in his head.

She's gone.

End of Book 5

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