Chapter 5

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"It was stupid for you to come here

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"It was stupid for you to come here." Willow grumbled as her eyes searched for Jasper, Koda or any familiar face.

"Why? Because of the gifts they possess?" Noah laughed and let the music fill the silence for a moment.  "I have a gift myself. They have nothing on me."

"A gift? How do you know so much?" Willow let her eyes scan over his face for just a moment before she searched over his shoulder.

On the edge of the dance floor was the Cullen family watching with looks of murder on their faces. Jasper looked to be fuming and the only thing keeping him from the dance floor was Emmett's arm around his shoulder. Paul's chest was heaving but Ezekiel was whispering something into his ear. Koda was arguing with Cassie who was holding him back by his arm.

"Tell your guards to stand down."  Noah warned. "I know they can hear you from here, tell them that you are enjoying the dance." His voice had dropped and the threatening tone was all too real. Willow closed her eyes as her jaw trembled slightly and Willow found herself falling back into the manipulation that he had on her.

"Don't cause a scene. I'm okay." Willow muttered with tears threatening to fall as she opened her eyes to look at Jasper and Koda again. She tried to give them a reassuring smile but their faces stayed hard as stone.

"Good job princess." Noah smirked as he left the hand on her waist to comb the hair from her face. Willow's eyes closed again as he swallowed down the bile that rose in her throat. 

"Go to hell." Willow spat as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"In time." Noah twisted her around so that he now faced the Cullen family. "To answer your earlier question I wrote you a letter explaining everything. But I'm guessing you didn't read it."

"Nothing from you is worth the time of day." Willow forced her tears away and put up the facade of no fear.

"You're trying to be brave but you know that I know you Willow. You are terrified of me, and I love it." Noah huffed as his hand tightened on her waist, earning a gasp of pain as his fingers dug into her flesh, no doubt leaving bruises.

"You need to leave." Willow ordered under her breath as she flashed a smile to the older couple dancing beside them.

"Watch. Your. Tone." Noah spat and made his thumb dug into her hip harder.

"Your game is up. The song is almost over and then it's over for you." Willow grinned as she boasted the threat.

"The game doesn't end tonight. I'm going to walk out of here and disappear again because you're leeches don't want to give away the secret." Noah explained as he stopped dancing, his eyes narrowing at Willow.

"Koda can stop you. He'as more powerful than your stupid gift." Willow smirked and Noah just laughed.

"He won't try anything. There's too much of a risk. Isn't that right Koda?" Noah looked over his shoulder to Koda who was standing behind him with a look of furry on his face.

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