Chapter 4

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Willow huffed in frustration as she looked at her reflection in the mirror in Jasper's room

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Willow huffed in frustration as she looked at her reflection in the mirror in Jasper's room. The style of the dress was beautiful, lace designs on the upper half that look almost like flowers while the lower part flared out and extended down to her knees. Rosalie had done her make up perfectly, making the small scar on her forehead to be practically invisible. The sleeves fell off her shoulders to line up evenly with the design of the dress, truly the dress was beautiful and if it had been any other color Willow would have felt beautiful wearing it.

But it was a light shade of purple and Willow hated the way she looked in purple.

"Penny for your thoughts." Koda'as soft voice caused her to turn on her heel in order to see him leaning against the doorway. He was in a simple tux with a cream colored bow tie and his hair was flowing freely down his shoulders, more than likely just for Willow's pleasure.

"I hate the color purple." Willow muttered as she turned back to the mirror, her eyes checking to see if the curls in her hair were still holding.

"I can tell there is more to that." Koda  stated as he appeared in the mirror behind her, a small smile on his lips.

"Purple doesn't look good on me." The redhead locked eyes with him in the mirror.

"Why do you think that?" Koda asked as he watched her roll her eyes and move to bed to sit as she slipped her heels on.

"I don't think that, I know that." Willow grumbled as she slipped the silver heels on, her feet already sending small cries of pain.

"Well I know that you look beautiful." Koda  smiled brightly as he sat on the bed beside her. His warm hand grazing her check and coaxing her to look at him.

"That's because you love me." She smirked as she looked into his eyes, leaning forward to press her lips against his nose.

"True." Koda muttered with a toothy grin and he leaned his forehead against Willows. "I personally like purple on you."

"You're just saying that." Willow pulled her head back from his, the smile falling slightly from her lips.

"He'as right. Purple looks good on you." Jasper was now standing in the doorway with a similar outfit as Koda and his blonde hair pulled back from his face.

"Well, I don't think so." Willow huffed and rose to her feet to look at herself in the mirror again.

"Jazz." Koda turned to look at Jasper with a sense of desperation. As if he was the only one who could change Willow's mind.

"You know, when I first laid eyes on you, you were wearing purple." Jasper walked into the room and wrapped his arms around Willow's waist. "I knew immediately that you were my mate."

"You never told me this." Willow looked at him through the mirror.

"I'll tell you more later. Right now Alice wants us down stairs so that the wedding can begin." Jasper explained as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Koda rose from the bed and pressed a kiss to Jasper's cheek.

"You look good in a tux." Koda whispered as he gave Jasper's ass a small tap. Willow simply giggled and grabbed both of their hands as they walked out of the room.

The wedding was absolutely beautiful and Willow was enjoying every aspect of it. Meeting the entire Denali family shed some background on the famous cousins of the Cullens. The entire town of Forks seemed to be there, with Seth and Paul being the only two of the wolf pack to make an appearance. After the speeches the dance floor was opened for all the guests and Jasper had convinced Willow to let loose and dance with him.

As the night went on they all found themselves scattered among the crowds. Rosalie and Emmett were having a conversation with the Neil family who had brought their year old baby. Cassie in her black pants suit with a light purple undershirt to match her heels and Alice's flapper dress. The two of them were recreating dances from the twenties era. Esme and Carlisle were talking with the Wilsons about the house Esme was designing.

Bella and Edward were mingling with everyone in the crowd. Jasper was having a conversation with Ezekiel at their assigned table. Koda was in deep conversation with Mr. Johnson from the hospital.  Charlie was traveling throughout the crowd to give people thanks. Willow and Paul stood by the edge of the dance floor, both of them sipping on champagne as they talked.

"He's been staring at you all night." Willow teased as she nudged her best friend's shoulder. His chestnut colored eyes followed hers to the tan vampire talking with Jasper. Ezekiel's gold eyes were taking in every inch of Paul in white dress shirt and black dress pants.

"I don't care." Paul muttered as he turned his attention back to Willow, taking a big sip of his champagne.

"Liar." Willow scoffed. "You're blushing."  She teased as Paul rolled his eyes.

"You're annoying." Paul complained as he looked back at Ezekiel with a small spark in his eyes, finishing his drink just as Willow did. "I'm going to get another. You want one?" Paul asked as he held his hand for her glass.

"No. Thank you though." Willow smiled as she watched him walk away. She stood there with her eyes roaming the dance floor, a content smile on her face. She felt a large hand rest on her back, an all too familiar touch that made her heart sink.

"Hey princess." The deep voice that haunted her nightmares and the pet name that made every vile memory flash through her.

"What are you doing here?" Willow muttered as she kept her tense body staring forward. He used his hand on her back to guide her to the dance floor.

"No hello? How have you been?" He laughed with a hint of anger mixed in and in a quick move he positioned the two of them for a formal dance. Her right hand  enclosed with his left and his right hand tightly gripping her hip.

Willow stared at Noah with wide eyes, panic incased in the hazel color. He was dressed in an all black suit, his rown hair longer than the last time she had seen him, to his shoulders almost. His brown eyes were tinted with age and he seemed to have grown another foot. His muscle mass seemed to have doubled as he was no longer the lanky guy with half muscles that he once was.

"Stay calm." Noah warned as swiftly maneuvered the two into the middle of the dance floor, surrounding the two of you with guests. "You wouldn't want to cause a scene. Besides, the two of us need to catch up."

"Why are you here? How are you here?" Willow questioned as he pulled her closer to him, but she jerked back slightly causing his grip on her waist to tighten.

"You mean how did I get past your bloodsucking freaks and your guard dog and your witch?" He hissed as he leaned in his warm breath fanning over her ear.

"How do you..." Willow faded off as he laughed and twirled her around.

"You are smarter than this princess." He smiled at some other couples dancing beside him. "We will dance until you understand."

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