Chapter 11

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Willow's phone was ringing like crazy in the cup holder of the Jeep, but she ignored it

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Willow's phone was ringing like crazy in the cup holder of the Jeep, but she ignored it. The water was still dripping off of her face and running down her clothes, but her body was now numb to it. She had no idea where to go but she mindlessly drove herself back home, the only place she wanted to be. Charlie's cruiser was nowhere to be seen, which was no surprise to Willow, the rain was coming down harder than before and there was no doubt that someone had wrecked.

Willow pushed her soaking figure back into the rain and with a clap of thunder she slammed the door behind her. Once she entered the house she strode to the laundry room. She stripped off her soaked jeans and sweater, throwing them directly in the washer. She was thankful that she had clean towels in the dryer, her bathrobe included.

Once she was wrapped up in the fuzzy pink bathrobe and her red hair wrapped in a towel, she started the washer and made her way upstairs. Her thoughts were weighing heavy on her mind. Bella's health declining every moment, the pack turning on Paul and Koda, and Noah's unknown presence everywhere.

"You look like shit." A deep voice echoed out from inside of Willow's small bedroom that made her stop dead in her tracks in the doorway. Sitting on the edge of the bed, with his fingers tracing over the blade in his hands, was none other than Noah.

"How did you get in here?" Willow questioned with her eyes moving to the window to see that it was still shut.

"You still keep the spare key under the welcome mat." Noah's voice held a bit of teasing. Willow felt very exposed even with a bathrobe to cover her, she had a sick feeling in her chest that the knife wasn't just for show.

"What do you want? You've already threatened me once." Willow stepped further into the room, hoping to reach her gun that was kept inside her closet. "Is this your endgame?"

"No. I just want to remind you that you're not safe. Nowhere is safe for you." Noah stood from the bed with a menacing smile. He was turning and twisting the knife with skillful precision, with his eyes locked on Willow.

"You're nothing more than a bad dream." Willow didn't know where the courage was coming from, but it was growing in her chest and spilling out of her mouth.

"Look at you, being so brave." Noah snorted as he used his free hand to push some of his long hair out of his face. "I can see it in your eyes that you're still afraid. Do you even know why this is happening?"

"Because you're obsessive and sick minded." Willow scooted a little further towards her closet, her eyes shifting to the shotgun.

"First off princess, the bullets for that gun are in my pocket. Second, if you had read the letter, you would know that this is much deeper than the anger I have towards you."

"Then enlighten me." Willow spat as she searched for some other way out of this.

"I'm under orders from the Volturi. You made someone angry, and they want you dead." Noah was now a few feet away from the redhead, she didn't have an escape route.

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