Chapter 14

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Terror. That's all Willow felt as stood in the doorway of Carlisle's makeshift hospital room as Bella screamed in agony.

"Rosalie, pass me the morphine." Edward tried to keep his voice calm while Alice spoke on the phone.

"Carlisle said the placenta must have detached!" Alice explained as Edward gave Bella the shot and Jacob spoke words of comfort to her. "He's coming as fast as he can." Alice tried to speak calmly. Willow watched as Rosalie picked up the scalpel and turned her attention on Bella.

"We'll have to do it." Rosalie made a movement towards Bellas stomach but Edward caught her wrist.

"No! Let the morphine spread." Edward ordered.

"There is no time. He's dying!" Rosalie yelled.

"Get him out, now!" Bella's head raised, the color drained and her eyes filled with pain. Without hesitation Rosalie sliced across Bella's stomach and the brunette screamed. Silent tears filled Willow's eyes as she watched the horrific scene.

There was a pause, where Rosalie brought her blood covered hand up to her mouth. Willow could see the look in her friends' eyes as the blood became her primary focus.

"Rosalie, don't!" Edward exclaimed as Jacob tackled the blonde across the room. Willow stumbled to the side at the sudden movement. "Alice, get her out of here!"

"Rosalie!" Bella called after her as Alice escorted her the blonde vampire out of the room. Her screams echoed off the walls and Willow blinked the tears away, swallowed down her fear, and walked farther into the room as she tied her red hair up.

"I'm here, Bells." Willow whispered as she reached out to grab her cousin's hand.

"Save her! You got to change her!" Jacob demanded while Bella squeezed Willow's hand.

"I can't! Not while he's still in there." Edward turned his attention to his wife. "I got to get him out first."

"Stay focused. Keep your heart beating." Jacob pleaded.

"Jake, he's suffocating." Bella's head was jerking back and forth as she tried to cope with the pain.

Willow watched with shocked expression as Edward began to bite into Bella's embryonic sac. Willow began to squeeze Bella's hand back with her eyes closed, the sounds of Edward biting her cousin.

"It's Renesmee." Willow opened her eyes to see Edward holding a baby girl covered in blood. Tears of joy overlapping the fear she had been struggling with.

"Beautiful." Bella whispered as Edward placed a towel around the baby and laid her in Bella's chest. There was a sweet moment where Bella shared a look with Renesmee before the tiny baby bit her chest and Bella went still.

"Oh my God." Willow's expression faltered as the harsh reality set in that her cousin was no longer breathing. Edward took the baby back from Bella while Jacob attempted CPR.

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