Chapter 15

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"Willow, give it to me

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"Willow, give it to me." Jacob ordered again with a voice as loud as thunder. His eyes were red and the skin around his eyes were puffy. Willow took a step back and held Renesmee close to her chest in a form of protection.

"Jacob take a breath." Willow muttered slightly as she narrowed her eyes, her tears now dry and her demeanor changed. "She's just a baby."

"Don't give me that shit." Jacob spat. "Bella is dead-"

"You don't know that." Willow interrupted, much to Jacobs' aggravation.

"SHE'S DEAD!" Jacob's yell made Willow jump and Renesmee started to cry. "That creature-" Jacob extended his arm to point at the screaming child in the redhead's arms. "-killed her. Your cousin is dead and that monster in your arms killed her."

"Even if she is dead." The words burned Willow's throat. "Are you really going to murder her child?"

"Why shouldn't I?" Jacob questioned as he stepped closer, lessening the distance between them. Willow took another step back, her back hitting the glass window. Outside she could hear the sounds of the battle, she longed to turn her attention out the glass to see if anyone was hurt.

"Bella wouldn't want you to." Willow quickly started bouncing the baby to calm her cries, her mind working a mile a minute to find a way out of her current situation. "She loved this baby, you know she did. She wouldn't want her best friend to become a murderer." There was a pause where Willow could see his eyes soften.

"She's gone Willow." Jacob whispered as his body relaxed. The redhead sighed and felt tears threatening to fall. There was a moment of silence and Willow considered the situation to be over. Then, Renesmee cooed, causing Willow to turn her attention to the baby in her arms. Her big brown eyes were locked on Willow and all the redhead could see was her cousin.

"If you would just look at her, you'd see Bella." Willow muttered with a smile, and before Jacob could protest Willow turned Renesmee around for Jacob to see. As if in slow motion, Jacob's hard features faltered, and tears welled up in his eyes. "Jacob?"

"It's impossible." Jacob sobbed.

"What?" Willow asked as she pulled the baby back into her chest. "What is it Jacob?"

"She has Bella's eyes" Tears stained his cheeks as he slowly extended his finger out to brush against Renesmee's cheek. "She's so tiny."

"I know this is hard for you, it's hard for me too." Willow sobbed, taking a pause to look at Renesmee. "But Jacob, if Bella was ever your friend, then help me protect her child." She stared at him for a minute, his brown eyes moving from her to the baby before he nodded.

"We have to find a way to stop them before they kill each other." Jacob quickly moved to the window and Willow followed.

The battle outside was growing intense and from the look of its Sam's pack was going to win.

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