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About 4 hours of re-recording, messing around with sounds, and having fun with the song. We finished it and it sounded great.

We played the finished product and Javon cheesed throughout the entire thing.

"So what are your thoughts?" Javon said in visible exuberance. He's had a pure mental state, similar to a child.

"I love it," I said and he squeezed me in the next second. Even if I wanted to it was completely out of my control to hug him back.

"Okay let me go." I managed to get those words out and he saw me losing air.

"Oh my bad." He said as I tried to gain my air back.

I chuckled and we sat down and stared at each other.

"So what now?" He asked breaking the sorta kinda awkward silence.

"I can order food if you'd like," I asked which was risky.

"Yea send me your cash app tho." He said and I looked at him puzzled.
"What for?"

"So I can pay for it...?" He said in an 'obviously' tone.

"You don't have to," I said opening the Doordash app.

"I asked for your cash app, not what I don't have to do." He said like a smart ass.

"Well okay." I wasn't about to argue over who's spending money. Surely if it's not mine.

I forwarded my cash tag to his phone and he sent me $30.

"Are you my sugar daddy now?" I joked. He glared at me and scrolled on his phone.

I ordered Chinese food and to be honest I didn't care if he didn't like it or not because I did.

"So what do you do in your free time?" He asked randomly. I guess he's trying to make conversation.

"Tend to myself and hang out with my best friend," I said honestly.

"Oh." He said shocked almost.

"You have like a .. you know.." He said avoiding the word "boyfriend" as if it was a slur.

"If I did everyone would know about it," I said and he nodded.

"You live alone?"


"Pets?" He further questioned.


"I thought you had a dog."

"What made you think that?" I said completely forgetting about the lie I told him the other day.

"At Olive Garden... you told me you had a dog.." He said and it all came back to me.

"OH," I said trying to think of another lie.

"I was uhm." I started looking everywhere but at him.

"Dogsitting.. to make some extra money."

We sat there and equally thought about what I said. He squinted at me before speaking up.

"You know you're a horrible liar?" He said.

"How am I lying-"

"Your net worth should be around 50M. So you mean to tell me that you were dogsitting to make .. extra money?" He said. Fuck.

"Yup..." I said looking away.

"You know you look away when you lie?" He said.  Actually, I didn't.

"Moving on."

"Are you in a relationship?" I asked him.

"It's complicated." He said.

"When was the last time you dated?" He asked me.

"Years ago. He couldn't adjust to my musical lifestyle." I said

"What do you mean?"

"He just couldn't keep up with me. He was always suspicious and one day just left." I said not affected by any of it. He truly wasn't all that.

"You deserve someone who can keep up with you." He said rubbing my arm with his hand. This is so sappy.

"I also deserve to be left alone."

"Dating and relationships aren't close to my main focus. Music is. I'm not worried about who has a crush on me or what the internet ties me to." I explained honestly.

He digested my words before speaking again.

"Do you think you would date again?" He asked.

"Depends on the person."

"What's your type, personality-wise." He questioned. He seemed to be genuinely interested in what I had to say.

I thought about my answer but honestly....
"I don't know.."

"Sweet?" He asked.

"But not too sweet. Someone who's just like .. normal but not normal. If that makes sense"

"It does but it doesn't." He smiled and we shared that laugh.

The food finally arrived and gladly Javon didn't say anything. One thing I liked about him is that he wasn't going to complain too much. Or at least so far.

"Back to what I was saying." Javon started while eating orange chicken.

"Do you have a preferred race you'd be with?" He asked.

"Well no," I said eating starting to eat my rice.

"If you fine, you fine," I said and he shrugged.

"Would you let your fans or media impact who you get with?"' He asked.

I thought about my answer. I feel like me and my fans are close but .. not that close.

Before I could answer, I looked at my phone and saw that Zaniyah calling me. I looked at it for a second and declined it.

"No," I said going back to his question.

"It's my life, not theirs."

My phone started ringing again and Javon looked at my phone and little concerned. I declined the call again and continued eating.

She called AGAIN.

"Do you need to take that..?" Javon asked pointing at my phone.

"It's not important I swear."

We spent the next 20 minutes talking about deep but random topics before we finished eating.

"Do you wanna mess around with more tracks? It's only like 5 pm." Javon asked.

I could tell he liked working with me — honestly, the feeling was mutual. It was like we thought the same. With my other producer, I didn't have as much freedom. With Javon, I feel as if I could tell him an issue I have and we can resolve it simply.

"Yeah, sure," I said and we opened his laptop.

Before we could even open a file or decide what track we wanted to mess with, we heard a door swing open and some commotion.

"WHERE IS HE!" I heard an extremely familiar voice exclaim. Here we go y'all.

I heard their footsteps get closer and closer to the room we were in and she busted the door open. Javon looked at her worried and I looked at her flatly.

"I know you saw me call you!" Zaniyah yelled holding out her phone. Truthfully I didn't answer because I wasn't ready for Zaniyah to give me her opinions on Javon but here we are I guess.

This could be .. fun.

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