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Grammy's were near and all Coco is worried about is me. Sad.

Unsurprisingly  I won the race on the charts proving I am not a one hit wonder, which I know pissed her off.

Javon had went over to her house the day the charts were released and I'm guessing she chose obstinance considering he went right back over there today.

The girl is truly ignorant and bitter and there's nothing you can do about people like that.

"Adonis let's go!" Zaniyah said from downstairs. "Coming!" I yelled in response. I grabbed my phone and wallet and headed downstairs where she was.

My label had called a few stylists to choose what I should wear for the Grammy's and Zaniyah insisted that she would come along with me—insinuating I have 0 fashion sense.

lies, lies, and more lies.

"you bout ready to make me late." She rolled her eyes and grabbed her keys off the counter. I ignored her remark and walked followed her out the door.

"you sure you had to come? it's just a bunch of suits and shit." I said hoping it was convincing enough for her to stay.

the only reason I truly wanted her to stay isn't because she's bossy, it's because she's the boss. wherever we go everything has to be done to her standard or it's off with your head. Some may call it a character flaw, others may call it a good thing. I think it's a Zaniyah thing.

"Adonis you should be thanking me for being so insistent on coming. without me, you finna look like boo-boo the fool." She chuckled to herself—unlocking the car.

"I didn't look bad at the BMAS," I replied.

"That's because you looked terrible. Just a plan colored suit? really? I mean go girl give us nothing." She patronized.

"rude," I mumbled loud enough so she could hear.

"it's not rude if it's beneficial to you." She clapped back and started the car.

She started driving and a comfortable silence fell over us.

That was until she started a conversation.

"where's Javon at?" She asked. "he went to go speak to ole girl." I said referring to Coco. We had mutually started calling Coco 'ole girl' to avoid using her name.

"About what?"

"Me. that bitch is literally harassing me," I said scoffing.

"he better have a good talk with her, because she got about one more time to piss me off and they gon have to write my name on a jail cell." She threatened.

"Zaniyah you know i'm not letting you stay in prison for more than a week shut up," I said rolling my eyes at the stupid idea.

"I'm serious I will hurt that girl, don't give no fucks about that child."

"—okay Zaniyah this is why people don't like you now." I stopped her.

"what? fuck them, kids!" She chanted.

"you're insane." I laughed. "what the baby gotta do with it?" I asked.

"nothing, but I don't care." She replied. "have you ever even seen the child?" She then asked.

While thinking about my answer I realized I never really mentioned Javon's child—honestly, I don't even know its gender.

"no..." I said looking at her.

"interesting." She said as we pulled into the record labels HQ. We got out of the car and we walked to the front doors. I clicked the buzzer and announced my name and we were let in.

"Hello Sir, your boss is waiting for you upstairs." The frontman informed me.

"wait— ma'am who are—"

"she's with me. don't worry." I placated him before he could pursue Zaniyah. He shrugged and returned to his desk acquiescently. We made it to the elevators pushed the up button and waited the short wait for the elevator to arrive.

We got in and made it to the top floor where our meetings were held and walked in the room.

We examined the room full of different colors coming from the outfits presented.

"Ah, here he is!" My boss said walking over to me with a bunch of well-known designers.

"Let's get started shall we."

"Coco you will leave him alone!" I yelled

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"Coco you will leave him alone!" I yelled.

"Or what Javon? You gonna hit me? Take me to court? What?" Coco snapped back at me.

"What the fuck does he even do to you? you just seem bothered by him for no reason."

"I dont know how many fucking times I have to explain to you that it's not fair that he can come in the scene unexpectedly and take my entire career. Wouldn't you be a little annoyed Javon?" She ranted.

"All the music we made together and you're willing to give it all away and let it dissipate for what? I am your child's mother, but you don't seem to care about that. You just care about your little prissy prince and his childish feelings." Cock said spitefully.

I digested her words and felt nothing but annoyance and hatred. How could words cut so deep?

"everything you said is a lie—"

"—even you don't believe that. You know I'm right." She interrupted.

"If I died right now would you feel sorrow? hm?" She asked abruptly.

A strong question.

"Exactly, you wouldn't. But if Adonis got a scratch all hell breaks loose." She said. "You never loved me like you claimed to. It was all a fabricated veneer." She said rolling her eyes at me angrily.

I stayed silent and stared at her—thinking of my next response. I did love her at some point, but strangely it felt foreign to admit that to her.

"hmmph." She scoffed and chuckled. "so it is true, you never did love me." She said with a peculiar smile.

"that's not true," I mumbled and looked down.

"then say it." She started. "Say you loved me." She demanded.

I looked back up at her and directly in the eyes—the words were in my throat, ready to launch.

But I couldn't say them.

"thought so."

"get the hell out of my house, I won't ask again." She said sternly. "keep a good eye on your prince." She mentioned.

I grabbed my keys and walked to her front door before actually processing what she said.

"wait what?" I asked turning around.

"you heard me, keep a good eye on him. I would hate for him to go so soon." She said—her pseudo-tone tone leaving me confused.

"Coco, what did you do?" I asked worried.

"oh nothing, just tell you to keep your pride and joy safe. Lord knows anything can happen to him." She said.

"Coco if anything happens to him I swe—"

"—Please leave my home, I will not ask again."

I gave her a spiteful look but walked back to the front door.

keep a good eye on him...

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