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I walked out of the studio tired as hell. I sat there playing the same 5 notes on the piano and rewriting my lyrics. I grabbed my piano and walked through the double glass doors and paparazzi was flashing photos of me. it wasn't anything new, I was pretty much used to all the "Adonis Seen Leaving The Studio" headlines.

I just waved and smiled at the cameramen then walked to my car, unlocked it, and got in. I placed my bag in the passenger seat and just sat there looking into space thinking. I was broken out of my thoughts when my phone rang. 'Facetime Call From: Zaniyah' I sat there and watched the phone ring for a hot second before answering it. "Hey Don what you doin'"

I placed my phone on the phone holder on my windshield before answering. "Leaving the studio," I said yawning. She then started aimlessly talking and I wasn't listening. just said "mhm" and "yeah" throughout each of her sentences. I got to a red light and stopped. Zaniyah was still talking but I was thinking about this new single I was writing. It's called 'Fantasize'. It's about one thinking about another that they cannot have. The only problem is, it seems unauthentic for me to write it considering I haven't fantasized about any men.

I haven't dated since my career started. He claimed that I was so invested in my career that I forgot about him so he left and I let him go. It didn't phase me much, his dick wasn't even that big to begin with.

I was again broken out of my thoughts when the car behind me honked at me and I noticed the light turned green. I hurried and accelerated my car and listened to Zaniyah talk until I got home, threw my bag on the couch, went to my bathroom, and took a bath. Zaniyah was still talking. This girl did not shut up - she was my best friend though so it was whatever.

After about an hour I washed myself off and got out. I dried off with my towel and then got into bed naked.

all I could think about when I was sleeping was that song. what was I gonna do with it?


I woke up the next morning tired as hell. I let my alarm ring for about a minute before telling Alexa to shut the hell up. I got up out of bed and did my morning hygiene. I hated being rich sometimes. I'm not crazy rich but this wallet isn't very thin. To be honest all of this happened so suddenly, I just woke up one day and wanted to write some music and put it out self-produced and all.

The album blew up and sure I was shocked but over time, fame can get tiring. It's like your every move is being watched. It's almost like you're a barbie. you have to be perfect. One wrong thing and your whole career could go downhill.

It's been 3 years since I started releasing music. I have 2 albums that did pretty well and I've been thriving since. But it's been almost a year since my last project and people are hungry for it. I don't want the album to seem rushed but I don't want to keep them waiting.

I don't know it's just a lot of decision-making on my part.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and made a quick bowl of cereal before I headed off to run my daily errands. I got a call from my producer Amari. I looked at my phone confused and picked it up and answered it.

" Adonis." He said flatly.

"Good morning to you too Amari," I said sarcastically.

"Fuck all that, I'm done working with you." He said abruptly.

I stayed silent for a minute processing what he just said. I was feeling several emotions like confusion and fear.

"What? Why what happened." I said genuinely concerned.

"You see what them blogs posted?" He said angrily.

Again, I stayed silent which indicated to him that I didn't so he started again.

"They saying we together."

"You're upset over a rumor?"

"Nah I already told you this was supposed to be professional. My face being everywhere saying I'm dating another man is not professional. " He stated.

"So let me get this straight, you want to leave a high-paying job because you're upset over a rumor we both know isn't true? You know that is what happens as a celebrity right?" I was trying to stay calm but he was one of the best producers I worked with, he's helped make a lot of my hits.

"I'm not bout to go back and forth with you for real. I'm getting my shit from the studio and leaving." He said before he hung up. I just stood there left in thought. I needed to get work done and this wasn't helping anything.

I needed another producer. Can I produce everything by myself? Most likely yes. But I have too much to do and I can't afford to add another layer to that, especially as a new artist.

"I need a blunt," I told myself.

I put my half-eaten cereal bowl in the sink and called my label hoping they would know what to do about this.


I got off the phone with my manager and he just growled into the phone the whole time about how I should be more "cautious" about how I portray myself with work partners. Something like that I don't know. But on the bright side, he said he could have me come down to the office to meet some new producers and see which one I would like to work with most.

I didn't have to be at the office for another hour so in the meantime I just sat in my bed and stared at the ceiling thinking. I thought about ways I could change the hook in the song I was writing. Something missing from it and I wasn't sure what it was.

My alarm went off to head to the office. I drove there singing the lyrics to my unfinished song in my head and out loud trying to figure out what was wrong with it.

I pulled up to the office and scanned my card to get in. I walked through the doors and made my way up to the conference room where my boss was. He didn't say much to me besides "This better go good" and had me follow him to a room where 4 women and 3 men were standing in a straight line. I inspected each of their appearances. All of them had a similar expression on their face besides one. He seemed ... I don't know just not like the others.

"okay this is how this is going to work - each of you is gonna get 10 minutes with Adonis, show him beats, talk about yourself, etc. Whoever he likes most stays."

They all nodded their heads except the one guy who just stood there with a relaxed look. Almost like it was filled with lust.

The first six talked to me about themself and showed me what sounds they thought would sound best on me for about 10 minutes each.

It then came down to one. Him.

He walked over to my side of the table and shook my hand.

"The name Javon," He said sticking his hand out in front of me. I stared into his green eyes and lost my train of thought. So many thoughts were going through my head that I didn't even notice that he spoke up again.

"You okay...?" He said scrunching his eyebrows and making a confused look.

I snapped back into reality and shook his hand back. "Yes, I'm sorry.. in my name is—" He cut me off "Adonis. I know" He said with a slight chuckle.

He made his way back to his side of the table and I just thought about what just happened

"Let's get to know each other," He said with a smile.

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