29. The Cheat Day

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Jordan's behavior towards me has turned upside down ever since the day we went to turn in his paper. It's like he went back to being a bit colder. He greets me when he sees me but doesn't speak much after that, nor do we see each other at all. He spends most of his time studying or going out. On the other hand, Baek-Hyun and Aliyah spend too much time on each other so I don't get to hang out with them either as much as before. I haven't been on good terms with Maxx as well since he heard rumors of a random guy cornering me against the wall and Jordan being the knight in shining armor to save me, and both those facts didn't really fascinate him. He was hurt, as he said, because he had to hear all about that from people other than his girlfriend. We haven't been good with each other since he threw a tantrum about it. I think we haven't even had sex for a whole month now. I just never feel comfortable enough for it. Sometimes I wonder if it's about me or him.

To say that I am rather lonely these days would be understandable. April comes with things still being this way. I try to focus on my studies as much as I can and finish all the mid-trimester duties since I've got the free time. Once I turn in all my papers and have a month or so left before the other mid-term, I get invited to go out with Elianna and Thalia.

"Where are you taking me?", I ask over the phone.

"Just hush, " the cracking bite sound is heard from the other side as Elianna chews on her apple, "I have made it my mission to bring you out of the shit you're in. "

"I'm not in any shit, " I laugh. It sounds a bit dry. I hope she doesn't notice.

"You and Maxx seem to be in a relationship crisis lately. Also, I don't think you're alright considering all the lovebirds and their happy relationships around you, " she tells me, "We are going to party. Get ready. "

She read right through me. I had no choice but to comply.

"Are you going somewhere?", Aliyah catches me coloring my eyelid in a dark brown color around eight in the evening.

"You're home. What a surprise. I'm going out with Elianna and Thalia. Do you wanna come too?", I pause my shading moves and turn to glance back at her standing at my door.

She walks into my room and sits on my bed, "I got invited too. I heard that they are going to Georgia's underground club. She invited them. "

"I've never been there. Is it a nice place?", I continue doing my eye.

Ally sighs and lies down, "It is a nice place but people there are just.. "


"Georgia's known for her schemes. You know she uses stronger things than marijuana, right? ", my best friend asks me and I look back at her, "Just be careful, Heavenly. Don't let anyone give you drinks that they haven't opened in front of you. I mean it. "

I smile at her. I know she is trying to protect me. This is why I love Aliyah. Yet, there is no reason to be worried. I know how to take care of myself and Ell and Thalia will be there.

"No worries, Ally. I'm just gonna have a drink or two and head home. Besides, two of them will be with me. Everything will be fine, " I tell her and finish my eyes.

Aliyah stares at me intensively. On the table lies a lip-colored lipstick I bought just yesterday. It comes of great use combined with eyes that are done heavy and dark. I smear it over my pursed lips and rub them one against another.

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