20. The Day She Was Jealous

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Someone's cries echoed through the hazy sight of a huge hallway. After getting closer, it appeared they were coming from a room at the very end of the hall. The door opens. The sight fills with a girl crying on the wooden floor. Her face is buried in her hands and her long chestnut hair is falling over it in a mess. The girl is dressed in the purest white dress sprawling over her legs as she sits in a crouching position.

Jordan calls out to her and once her face lifts, the unruly sight of it shakes him on the inside.

"Heavenly, why are you crying? " he asks once he recognizes his childhood friend and slowly takes a step forward.

Heavenly shakes her head with tears streaming down her face. He gets more upset and approaches further, but the closer he gets to her, the darker her dress becomes, until when he finally stands in front of her, it appears pure black. Jordan's eyes are wide in shock.

"I lost you," she mumbles through cries.

He crouches near her and touches her hand as if trying to say "No, you didn't", but she shakes off his touch and gets up.

"Where are you going? "

"Away. " The girl and her now black dress disappear through the door.

Jordan Parker opens his eyes abruptly with a tear attached to the left one. He takes a deep breath, looking up at the white ceiling.

"A dream," he mumbles, but then feels a strong pain in his head. His eyebrows furrow as he presses his eyes to rid of the tear and the pain, yet it doesn't help.

That's when he slowly becomes aware of his surroundings. The darkened bedroom, unfamiliar house, it all flashes back. What strikes him the most is the sight of the naked Yvonne next to him sound asleep. His back lifts up and he finds himself in a sitting position, frowning, rewinding everything from last night, or just things that he could actually remember.

"Shit, " Jordan mumbles. The cover falls from his torso revealing his full nakedness. His eyes widen. "Double shit.. "

What did I get myself into? I've done it now. He told himself over and over again in his mind.

"Where are my damn underpants?" Jordan whispers nervously after looking around, frustrated.

He finds them in the corner by the bed, on the floor. Once he puts them on, he wastes no time dressing up fully. Just as he does the last button on his shirt, the girl beneath the covers on the bed speaks to him in a low sleepy voice.

"Where are you going, Parker?" Yvonne mumbles making him shiver with awkwardness.

"I have to hurry. Got some things to do," he answers right away, trying to run for it. "You have a good sleep. "

"But... " Yvonne tries to ask more questions, yet she is met with a closed door.

Jordan takes his phone out of his pocket as he runs down the stairs of Elianna's place but turns out the battery has died, so it is useless. When reaching the bottom, he happens to hear voices in the living room. Chatty, excited voices full of life and happiness - just what he wanted to avoid. Regret was eating him up. He woke up naked next to a girl yet he could barely remember what being with her with her was like. Their night together for him remained only a hazy memory of alcohol and heavy breathing. Some pictures flashed back but all in all, it was a big, regretful black hole. What went on repeat in his head with clarity was only that dream he had right before the awakening. What does it mean? Why did he dream of Heavenly like that? Did he do or say something to upset her last night?

I can't remember!

"Oh look who's here. Mr. Lover, " Elianna's voice pierces Parker's ears. As if he didn't feel bad enough, that calling appeared to disgust him even more. "How are you feeling? "

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