Chapter 1 - Flashbacks

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Astoria's Pov

"No, please don't do this, please , I beg you" I begged the person while crying  infront of me.
"you and your grandma don't deserve to live. You both are just 2 filthy bitches" he said whilst gritting his teeth with anger and disgust.
I kept crying and begging but he didn't listen and kept on beating my mother.
After almost 15 minutes of beating my grandma he turned his head towards me and smirked.
He then turned his towards the table that was kept in the corner of the dark room we were in and went towards it.
He grabbed the knife that was kept on it and came towards me with a creepy attitude.
My eyes widened with horror and more years flowed down my eyes.
"please don't, do this. Please " I begged again.

Flashback ends :

I woke up panting hard because of my dream. I grabbed the water bottle that was kept on my bedside table and drank it in one breath causing me to pant again for air.
I heard knocking on my door and then my dad came in.
"I heard screaming voices" he said to me and came towards me with a concerned look.
"Yeah, I actually I had a nightmare again" I told him the truth cuz I don't wanna keep him in the dark.
"Again ? It's the 5th time this week in a row ria " he said getting more concerned for me.
" yeah I know , but I cant control my dreams , can I ? " I said with a nervous laugh at the end.
He wasn't laughing, ofcourse who laughs when their daughter cracks a really lame joke.
He sighed and started speaking again but I cut him off.
" It's fine dad, I'm alright . You just go and sleep ,just look at the bags under your eyes." I spoke while getting up from my bed and dragging him with me. "Have a good night dad " I said whilst smiling and pushing him towards his bedroom door.
" Okay, okay , good night ria "
Then I went towards the kitchen grabbed a packet of chips and went back to my room. I ate them whilst reading the book named ' A Court of Thorns and Roses '  I read atleast 5 chapters of it until I heard knocking on my door again. I went up to the door and opened it. There was my annoying brother standing, cleodore.
"What do you want Cleo ?" I asked him clearly unhappy of his presence.
" I just wanted to call you for breakfast " I furrowed my brows in confusion and looked at the wall clock in my room. It was 8:30 am. I didn't realise I was awake from 4 as far as I remember. I nodded at him and closed the door. I quickly went inside the bathroom, took a warm shower and got ready. I applied mascara, foundation and some lipgloss to my already really pink lips. They are literally too pink.

Astoria's Outfit

I took my phone and important files that were needed for today's meeting and went downstairs

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I took my phone and important files that were needed for today's meeting and went downstairs.
"Good morning mom. Good morning dad. Morning Cleo. " I greeted them all and they did the same to me.
I ate my breakfast whilst talking about the company and Mafia with dad.
"Ria , could you please drop me to uni today. My car's broke ? " Cleo asked me. I sighed and nodded
"I'm waiting in the car. Come quickly.
Bye mom, bye dad, I'm going."
I said to them
I went towards the garage and heard my heels click on the concrete floor. It made me smirk for I don't know what reason. I went towards my car and and made the engine roar to life.
Within 2 mins Cleo was on the passenger and my car was on the road. I was speeding on it while Cleo was fidgeting with the music system.
"Which song do you wanna hear ? " He asked me , I was surprised of his question because he never asks me what song I want to hear he just puts whichever he likes.
" Ummm , Radio I guess." He smiled and nodded his head.
" He play Radio and kept the phone back on its place. "
I was humming the song when suddenly Cleo asked me something.
"Do you perhaps know when are mom dad going back to France ?"
I raised my brow and looked towards him for a sec.
"Why do you want to know that ?" I asked. He sighed and said
" Actually I want to call my friends for sleepover or something like that but you know boys are. They never keep their mouth shut and speak rubbish. What if they tell something to them that they aren't supposed to know ?" He ended it with a shrug.
I nodded my head understanding his situation since I also held sleepover
Parties when mon dad weren't there.
" Next week. Till then you can plan it. But yeah let me know when is it. And tell me beforehand whatever stuff you'll be needing I'll bring it for you. " I told him.
He was about to say something wlbut then stopped and nodded his head.
We reached his uni and bid our byes. Now I had to go to the other side since his uni is the other side of the house and my company the other. It took me almost 45 mins to reach there, but it seemed short since I was listening to music all my way. I reached there and everyone started greeting me. I nodded at them and went straight towards my office. "Good Morning Ms. Eleonora " my personal assistant, Clair greeted me. "Good morning Clair. So what are the plans for today ?" I asked her after I sat down on my chair.
"Here's the schedule ma'am. We also have an meeting with Mr.Hernandez which he postponed last week and held it for today." I nodded my head and checked the meetings we had today.
"Umm. Ma'am there's a meeting in 25 mins and Mr.Johnson hasn't arrived yet and you gave him the duty to prepare the presentation for this meeting " she said
I closed my eyes and breathed deeply to avoid any burst out.
"Did you try calling him ?" I asked her
" Yes I did ma'am but he was continuously hanging it up" she answered my question.
I picked up my phone asked her the number of this Mr.johnson and dialled him.
He ignored my call too.
I called him once again and this time he picked it up
" Hello Mr.Johnson "
"H-Hello Ms.Eleonora. I'm sorry f-For be------"
I cut him off and said.
"Sorry Mr.Johnson but you're fired now. Kindly send the presentation to Clair. Don't worry about your Payroll, it will be transferred to your account. Thank you and please do not forget to send the presentation." I simply told him
" But ma'am ------" I hung up the phone and looked at Clair.
"He is sending you the presentation , prepare it quickly or tell someone else to do it if you have work." She nodded her head and went out.
I started  reading the presentations for other meetings that were to be  presented. After some time, there was a knock in my door and I gave them the permission to come in " Ma'am, it's time for the meeting with, Mr.Valentino. " I nodded and stood up fixing my suit and went towards the conference room with Clair.
I entered and there was utter silence in the room. As if no soul was there.
I sat one man coming towards me.
"hello Ms.Eleonora, nice to meet you." That man smiled at me. I smiled back and shook my hand with him.
" Hello Mr.Valentino, it's nice to meet your too. Now , shall we start the meeting ?" He nodded and went to sit on his chair. I sat on mine. Clair was the one presenting the presentation. I always believed her that no matter what happens she will always be there for me. Even If I told her to prepare the presentation 10 mins before she would have done it and presented it with no mistake. Even if all the employees in my company left she will always be by my side. I trust her a lot. Her father worked with me father and now she agreed to work with me. Her brother is the CEO of her dad's company.
After 2 hours
" I really liked the presentation
Ms. Eleonora. I would love to invest in this project" he said with a smile and shook my hands.
"My pleasure and Thank you so much." He nodded and went out. I sighed and went back to my office.
"Sorry to disturb you ma'am but there's another meeting in 15 mins with Ms. Violet."
I sighed and nodded at her.
The same thing repeated but this meeting was longer , 4 hours. Since Violet was a newbie and didn't know a lot about handling companies. But yeah she liked whatever she saw and agreed to work with me.
And like this the day went by and I went to pick up Cleo from uni and then went home with him. Todya I came back early.
I parked my car and went inside. I saw my mom's dad moving here and there in a hurry.
"What happened mom ? Why are you in such a hurry ?" I asked her being confused.
" I'm sorry darling but I me and your dad need to leave for Italy real quick and yeah don't let Cleo go out here there alone. Either you go with him or don't let him go. Don't even let him drive his car. You will be dropping him at uni and picking him up too. "
She told me in one breath and then panted due to the lack of breath.
" But what happened mom ?"
I asked her.
"There's a really big emergency and a dangerous one too. Your dad will tell you about it once we return back...."
She said......


Word count : 1720

I hope you all like this chapter. I know  the first few chapters will be boring but are important for the formation of a book. I promise to write more interesting things later on.
See you all next time,
Love ya guys,
Until then its me one and only your,


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