Chapter 17 - Wedding

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Ashford's Pov

"Hey you sleeping Beauty. Wake up " I heard Sam say.

I groaned and pulled the duvet over me "we're gonna leave for New York in 30. You better get up or Ast is gonna kick your ass" i sigh and gets up. I see him smirking so I just pick up a pillow and throw it at him but he manages to dodge it and gets out of the door.

Behind him I saw Ast passing by
I ran up to door and opened it. She was there talking on the phone. Sounds like German. How many languages can she speak dude ?

Anyways I walked up to the shower and take a nice refreshing bath. I just took a black T and white sweatpants cuz we're just gonna sit in that jet for 14 hours.

I took my bag and went outside in the hallway. Everyone was there except Ast.

"Where's Ast ?" Lexi asked particularly to np one before me. Everyone just shrugs and replied with 'i dont know'.

She took out her phone and dialed Ast.

"Where are you ?" Lex said and waited for her answer

"You sure ?" She asked her and then she sighed.

"Fine. Be careful. We will meet you there then " lex said and hung up the call

"What happened ?" Cleo asked her and she sighed once more.

"Ast had some work so she already left. We will meet her in New York. Let's go down quickly. Ast said that she already booked a limo for us." She says and we all nod.

We gave our luggage to the bell boy there and went in the limo ast booked.


After 14 hours of boredom we finally reach New York.

We went inside another limo and went back to Ast's home. We need to discuss a few things with Leonardo.

"Hey my babies are back !" Avery said and hugged everyone.

"Where's Ria ?" She asks and looks at Luci and Lexi

"She had some work " Luci replied in a monotonous tone by which I was taken back. She never spoke like that.

I couldn't understand the conversation they 3 were having with their eyes.

"Alright now. Ash and Adler already know their rooms. Cleo go and show sam his room and you guys already know where your room is " Avery says and we all nod.

"Ummm....Avery we need to go" Del said and we turned back on our ways.

Now Lexi, Del, Esme and Avery were having a conversation through their eyes.

"Alright. Just be safe and text me when you get back home. All three of you separately " Avery says and bid them goodbyes.

Something is wrong....


I scrolled through my phone as I waited for dad to come and get me. I was currently at the venue.

I can't believe I'm getting married today that too with the girl I've always loved.

It feels surreal. It's not how i wanted it to be but I've no choice. I've always wanted a proper proposal and ask Ast about it but I guess I won't get the chance. Probably I can get remarried to her. Right ?

"What are you thinking so deeply?" My asshole of a brother asks.

"Nothing" i reply and he chuckled

" are you feeling dear brother?" He asks me and i raise my eyebrow at him.

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