Chapter 4 - The First Meet

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Astoria's Pov

"Yes mom i remember her, but i guess she forgot me " that guy said.
Why the fuck this guy looks so familiar to me. Did i meet him somewhere ? At a party ? In a club ? Or in a meeting ? I dont know where i met him neither i remember him but he IS very well familiar to me and a matter of attention, HE FUCKING
KNOWS / REMEMBERS ME BUT I DONT. I rolled my eyes and turned to dad.
" Dad , now that i am here would you mind telling me what the fuck was that emergency you call it ?"
I asked dad being frustrated about everything that is being happened since a past few days.
"Okay, i guess its time for you to know what that emergency was"
I nodded my head while raising my brows indicating him to continue.
" Wellllll.......that emergency was ........ Darling, you need a break "
I cant believe what he just said. I scoffed and looked up at the ceiling.
Control yourself ria, control.....
"I dont need a fucking break dad " i tried to remain calm but with the look s cleo was giving me , i bet i looked like a hungry tigeress.
Why the fuck am i comparing myself with a tigress
I dont know that.
"Darling you need before-----" Dad was about to speak something but was cut off by mom.
"Enough with all this now. Darling you all must be hungry. Cmon go get freshed and come downstairs for dinner. "Mom told me , cleo, adler and that other guy who's name i didnt knew.
"Adler, could you please show cleo and ria their rooms ?" Summer asked him and he smiled and nodded.
"C'mon follow me " he said to us nicely and i liked it.
"I remember you dude " cleo suddenly commented.
"Thank god you do, i do too. I guess all of us remember each other except
Ria " he chuckled and both of the turned back to look at me since i was walking behind them.
i just simply glared at them.
"Its not my fault that i dont remember you guys and who the fuck is that arrogant looking jerk downstairs."
They laughed and turned back to look at me but stopped in their tracks.
"That arrogant looking jerk's name is Ashford Ermington. " I turned back and saw that jerk again. I rolled my
" Did i ask you ? Adler could you please lead me to my room " I said and he nodded and started walking again. Ashford quickly matched our speed and walked beside me.
"Soooo.....Ria , how are you ?" He asked me .
"First of all, its Astoria for you and second of all i dont even remember you , forget about anything else "
I snapped back at him but he chuckled , shook his head and replied.
"Okay Astoria , I'll tell you later on who am i and what's our connection but for now you go and get changed and come downstairs after 20 mins" he smiled at me and opened the door.
Where the fuck are adler and cleo ? When did they even leave ?
Maybe when i was talking to this jerk.
I nodded and he closed the door gently.
Why is he so nice to me ? Like one minute ago he's a total jerk and the other he's really fucking sweet.
I shrugged off the thoughts and opened my suitcase.
I took a pair of sweatshirt and bellbottom pants and went towards the bathroom.
I was in there for almost 15 mins and took a great hot shower. I came outside and looked at myself in the mirror.

I brushed my hair and let it flow down my sweatshirt

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I brushed my hair and let it flow down my sweatshirt.
I took my phone and went downstairs.
I went in the living room. I saw the guys sitting there glied with their phones.
"Cmon, cleo shoot that guy "
"Im trying, but hes far away from me"
"Wait a min, im coming up for back up. I am going near that tree and attack from front and then you come from behind "
"Fine, stick to the plan " i heard a bit of conversation of cleo and adler. I guess they were playing some online game. I went in the kitchen first and got water for myself.
Then I went and sat on one of the couches and glued to my phone too. I was randomly scrolling through insta suddenly i got a call.
It was Del. I put the phone on speaker as i was drinking water.
"Hey del whats up"
"What's up ? SERIOUSLY TRIA ? You are asking me whats up like a casual talk ? YOU'RE IN FUCKING ITALY AND DIDNT TELL ME " she shouted and the boys looked over at me. I kept the bottle on table and quickly turned of the speaker but didnt kept the phone near my ear. Knowing delaney she is rambling right now and on the top of her lungs which could make me deaf.
"Fine, enough, im sorry. Its just was an emergency so i came here. I reached here like an hour ago. " I told her.
" Fine , but where the fuck are you staying ? "
"Even i dont know that "
"What do you mean by that ? Oh wait , are you alone or is cleo or someone else wih you ?"
"My whole family is here including winters "
"What are you all doing here ?"
" I dont know, but all i know is that my dad has definitely gone mad."
By the time i was back in kitchen since i didnt want the boys to hear my conversation and i know, after del's burst out they were trying to hear us.
"What do you mean ?"
"I dont know . All i know is that i am staying in a jerk ass's house"
"Oooooo.....great. anyways , whenever you get time please come over at my place. Okay ?"
"Sure I will, do you think i will come all the way to Italy and not meet you ?"
"No its not like that, its just that i thought of reminding your forgetful ass. Anyways, bye now "
"Bye " i said and hung up the call.
I went in the living room again and sat down.
Suddenly , Cleo's phone rang and the way his face lit up definitely told me that it was Avery, his girlfriend.
"Hey Aves "
He said and smiled and now it was my time to eye him including adler and ashford.
He looked at us and rolled his eyes.
"Is she her just friend or girlfriend ?"
Adler asked me.
"Girlfriend "i replied and then i heard Ashford talking in italian

"Vedi ,anche lui ha una ragazza, tutti i tuoi amici ce l'hanno, ma guardatti "

(See he also has a girlfriend, all your friends do but look at you )

" , è solo che è impegnata. Sai, abbiamo una relazione a distanza."

(I do its just that we are in a long distance relationship )

Ashford scoffed and laughed and again said.
"Si, lo sai, ed è immaginario."

(Yes in your imagination)

"Ma ho una ragazza------"

(But i do have a gir------)

I cut adler off now.

"Non credo che voi ragazzi sappiate che anch'io parlo italiano."

(I dont think you guys know that i speak italian too )

They both looked at me in shock, in the same way they'd react if they'd see a ghost.

"You speak Italian too !!!!!!!!"
Adler said with shock evident in his voice.


Word count : 1300

Hey guys , hope you liked this chapter. As i already told you the first few chapters are going to be boring but i bet that others are going to be really nice. ( your author thinks so , lol )
Anyways, please do not forget to click on the orange star below.
I'll se you guys in the next chapter.
Love ya guys,

Till then, it me , your one and only

~Bl@ckrose 🖤

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