Chapter 16 - Angels Of Death

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Astoria's pov

"Let's go " Cleo finally said while coming downstairs.
"Fucking finally " i said and rolled my eyes.
We all got out and sat in the limo my dad insisted on taking to the airport.
"Are we ready to go Miss Eleonora?"
Daniel asked and i nodded.
We all reached the airport and went towards our private jet. Dad said it's better to go to Texas this way and i didn't had a choice

"So how's everything going ?" Esme asked Lex
"About what ?" She asked dead panned
"German shepherd?" Esme asked and i tried to supress my laugh on that one
"You, stop laughing and you, nothing's going on " lex said but we all sensed the sadness in her voice.
I sighed and looked at Esme who has the same expression as me. I nodded my head and she nodded back.

After almost 14 hours of staying in that jet, we finally reached Texas.

I got out of the jet and it was night time. In New York it was 10 pm and in Texas it's 11 pm. We all went got in the car and just went to the hotel dad booked for us. We don't have some house or something in Texas so we have to stay in a hotel. I took a warm shower and fell down on my bed.

I groaned as there was a knock on my door. I got up and found Cleo, Adler, Esme and Del there.
"Hey you sleepy head. Get up and get ready... We need to leave " Adler said and i rolled my eyes.

"Where are lex and Ashford?" I ask and saw Lex smirking. I rolled my eyes at her and went back inside the room.
"They're still sleeping. We are gonna go and wake them up. After you are done come downstairs for breakfast. Bring your weapons too cuz we're gonna leave right from there." Sam said and i nodded my head.

I did my morning routine and took a great bath. I wore a dark green turtle neck full sleeves and black slim jeans, tied my hair in a high ponytail

I kept my gun with the silencer in my waistband and also took my bag which had weapons. I went downstairs towards the dining hall and spotted all of them.

"Good morning everyone. I'm ready"
I said and sat down. We all quickly did our breakfast and got out of the hotel.
I told Clair to buy me some motorcycles here. We went in the basement and found them.

We all got on our bikes and went off towards the shipment deck.
I've been her twice and it was only when we had a really big deal.

We parked our bikes at a distance from the deck so no one can see our bikes.

We found a few guards there and killed them all within a few seconds.
I went in the warehouse that was just a few metres away from the deck.

"Why didn't you kill her when you had the chance ?" I heard a man shout.
I stood there with my hands across my chest and they didn't even notice my presence.

"S-sir , I-I am s-sorry. I'll try again." Another guy who seemed to be begging on his knees said.
Are they talking about me ?
"You won't get any chance. You failed your mission and you know what happens when someone fails a mission given by me " 

okay ! Now he's copying my lines.  I signaled my men and they both went and drugged them before thet could kill anyone.

"Drug everyone here and take them to some abandoned building. That way it would be better to torture them." I said to Carlos and went further on to explore this warehouse.

There was nothing left here so I went outside.
I was just looking here and there while going when I found someone ducking down and walking.
My eyes widened slightly when I saw who it was. Richard.

His eyes met mine and widened. He started running and obviously i had to follow him. How come no one found him or noticed him ?

Lex also saw him and told everyone to go behind him.
He kept on running and running. We reached to what looked like an abandoned building and he went inside it. I followed furthermore but he was no where to be found

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