Chapter 25 - Childhood Videos

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Astoria's Pov

"My dear big sis " Cleo sang as he barged in my office. I hummed and kept looking at the file infront of me.

The heck is this ?

"If someone calls you and tell you shit about me, don't listen to them and don't worry, I didnt do anything wrong " he said and i looked up frowning.

"Cleodore Aiden Eleonora. Is there something i should know ?" I asked him with a teasing voice.

"Umm...No, just that a few fools will call you and tell you I did something. Nothing else " he said and I sighed.

"You can -" I was cut off by my phone. I frowned when I looked at the caller ID.

"Bye i gotta go " he said and before whe could run i held him by his shirt and picked up the phone.

"Hello ? Who's this ?" I asked while frowning at both, the caller and Cleo.

"Hello, Is this Miss Astoria Eleonora speaking ? Cleodore's elder sister ?" The person on the phone asked and i replied with a yes.

"Good afternoon Miss Eleonora, This is Cleodore's History Professor, Mr Alan speaking. I just called you to let you know that Cleodore has been skipping History class and not even attending tests or giving in his homework. " He said and i frowned.

"Since when is he doing this?" I asked and Cleo bit his lip while looking at his shoes.

"Almost 3 weeks " the teacher said and I widened my eyes.

"3 weeks ?" I asked and Cleo winced, someone knocked on the door and opened it.

It was Ash and i sighed.

"I tried talking to him but he won't tell me anything. I just wanted to let you know this " he said and i looked down

"Thanks for letting me know Mr Alan. I'll talk to him. Have a good day " I said and he replied me with the same as I hung up the call.

"Wasn't this the thing you were talking about ?" I asked dand he nodded slowly.

"What happened ?" Ash asked and my eyes widened at his voice. God ! Save me from his voice.

"Nothing " i said and went back towards my desk to correct the infinite mistakes in that file.

"I'm sorry Ast " Cleo said and i ignored him. He needs to learn his lesson.

"apology not accepted" I said and winced at the mistake the person who made this file made.

"Look I said I'm sorry. I'll do whatever he says " he says but i ignored him still. I understand he also lost his parents but I don't want him bunking classes and failing history.

He wants to make a band with his friends, fine ! He can but atleast also focus on your studies.

I sighed and looked at him.

"Will you do it ever again ?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Come here " I said and spread my arms signalling him for a hug. He smiled and came towards me.

"Sorry for that. I won't do it again " he said and i pulled back.

"You better not. Or else I won't hesitate to take away Phoenix from you " I said and he widened his eyes.

"If you touch phoenix I'll kill you " he said and i smirked.

"Then all my men will be after you. My husband would be too. Wouldn't you ?" I asked and turned to Ash who was looking at us.

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