Chapter 27 - I Fucked Up

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"I do" Lexi said while I held tears in my eyes and had a wide smile on my face.

"I officially announce you both husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" The priest said and Abilo kissed Lexi with a huge smile on his lips. Everyone clapped loudly with smile but me and Del hooted loudly which made them both look up to us.

I winked at lexi as she laughed. She made her face straight again as people were coming to meet her and congratulate her. She then looked at me because I was still standing at the same place as before. She pointed at someone with her eyes and then wiggled her eyebrows while I frowned in confusion.

I looked in the direction where lexi pointed and found Ash. I rolled my eyes and looked back at lexi who had a smirk on her face.

I chuckled at her behaviour and then went away with Del and Esme.


"Yeah and remember that time when Xander came home with blood and bruises on his body while we 4 having a sleepover. Lexi was so mad and then me,  you and her went to beat up those guys while Esme gave him first aid" I said with a smile on my face as Del nodded while laughing.

"Yeah I remember it, lexi was so mad at that time." Del said as the others also laughed while we were telling stories.

"You know Lexi and Esme used to be so innocent that I can't even tell. Then me and ast ruined their innocence. Though Esme still acts like a child but Lexi is totally ruined" Del said while I laughed.

"Hey I'm not a child " esme retorted but I scoffed and del shook her head.

"You are. Now shut up" Del said and I nodded.

She huffed and slumped back on her chair while all of us laughed at her.

Suddenly cleo, Adler, Brennon, Garrett and Chris came over to our table.

"Hey ast ! Sorry to disturb you guys but can me and Ad go to Garette's place for a sleepover or something?" Ast asked me while he also glanced at Ash.

I looked at Ash raised my eyebrow while pointing towards them. He shrugged his shoulders and told me with his eyes for me to decide.

"Fine you can, but not more than 5 drinks you got that " I said and he looked at us in disbelief.

"We aren't going to drink " Adler said while I chuckled and smirked.

"Trust me boy. Your sister and us 3 have done worse things and we know what happens during sleepovers. So you better listen to her " Lexi said and I nodded with laugh.

"Fine. We'll be back by tomorrow morning or noon " Cleo said and I nodded  my head.

"Drive safely and text me when you reached there and about to come back home" I yelled over and be gave me a thumbs up as he and other went outside the venue hall.


"Bye lex." I said and hugged her.

"Don't be too naughty tonight. You're already pregnant" I whispered and she hit me on my arm.

"Shut up" she said and I laughed once again.

"Alright I'll go now " I said and then hugged Xander before getting out of the venue with Ash.

"Give me the keys, I'll drive" I said and he looked at me a little longer than usual and then gave me the keys.

I got in the drivers seat and Ash in the passenger seat. I buckled myself up and then started driving.

The entire car ride was silent and I could feel Ash's eyes on me.

I cleared my throat and then took my phone and started some music because the silence was killing me.

Lock me up and throw away the key
He knows how to get the best out of me
I'm no force for the world to see
Trade my whole just to be

One Of The Girls. Definitely the best song for this situation. Note the sarcasm please.

Ash also cleared his throat and then looked outside as I continued driving.

Almost 30 minutes later we reached back home and I parked the car in the garage.

Ash got out first and then I. By the time I reached inside he was already upstairs.

I went to the kitchen and took out a bottle from the fridge. Even though it is still March and it's pretty cold yet but I still want cold water.

I quickly chugged it down in one and go and then put both of my hands on the counter.

I sighed before I started making my way towards our bedroom.

But as soon as I opened it and closed it behind me, A pair of lips was smashed on mine. Obviously it was Ash, even though I could tell it with his cologne, I knew it was him because of two reasons :

1) he was the only one upstairs
2) no one could have tresspassed because then he would have fucking killed them that very moment.

So it was very clear even without his smell that it was him.

He was kissing me hungrily, like he had been holding for a bit too long. The kiss was desperate, yet filled with love and compassion. That's what I loved about him. He put his one hand around my waist and the other on my nape pushing me closer to him while I put both of my hands around his neck.

He tasted a mixture of cigarette, vodka and mint. It's a weird combination but I loved it right now. I guess it was because he was drunk that this is happening, Otherwise he wouldn't dare do it cuz he knew I would cut his dick off and shove it in his throat if he tried something with me.

He didn't had to lean in because I was still wearing my heels. Now that was an advantage for him.

We broke the kiss and looked at each other in the eye.

"Do you want me to continue ?" He asked and I knew at that moment, that this was the biggest time I fuck up real bad.

But I was down for some real shit.

"Yes" I said as lust and desperation took over his eyes and soon bis lips were on mine again


Quite a big cliffhanger this time. Sorry for that and sorry for ghosting you all too. I know it wasn't very good of me to do so but I was pretty busy with stuff.

And as you all know I've unpublished Forbidden Romance recently. It was because I wanted to focus more on this book and Illicit Revenge. Forbidden Romance will be out soon so don't worry. But this time it would be better than the previous one.

Anyways I should probably stop rambling now. Promise i won't ghost you this time.

Love you always ❤️


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