Chapter 6 - Serious Talk

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Astoria's Pov

As soon as i heard the gunshot, i ran outside. The boys came after me and Lorette was now clinging to my brother. Gosh this girl should know her limits . i shrugged off all the thoughts that were flowing in my mind and tried to find the person who shot the gun. Suddenly there was a sound of a footstep, but just one. Seems like it was a man's footstep. Ashford came in front of and instructed me to stay behind him. i rolled my eyes but listened to him. He went behind the car that was parked in the middle. from where did that come from at the first place ?  i watched him as he carefully looked behind the car with his gun ready to shoot. Suddenly the person who was hiding behind the car came out and hugged ashford. 

"Dude, you fucking scared all of us" Ashford chuckled and hugged him back.

is that another cousin of him ?

I just sighed and went inside. Its safer in there. I walked up to the kitchen and grabbed some water for myself. i need to call Esme. I dialed her number and she immediately picked up.

"Hey Tria ! "

"Hey Esme, What's up ?"

"nothing, just getting bored out here. I saw you are in Italy. "

"yeah actually, mom dad loves to give me some sort of surprises and i guess this is one of them. They said that since i work a lot and exhaust myself for all the stuff, i need a a break before something."

"And what's that something ?"

"dad was about to tell me but mom stopped him. Perhaps they are gonna tell me when i'm in my best mood. i wasn't in such a good state of mind during that time."

"oh, did you met del yet ?"

"No, actually, i didnt get any time. but i will go meet her either in the evening or tomorrow."

"thats good, call me when you meet her, she isn't picking up my calls lately."

"what ? but why ?"

"who knows ? By the way , where are you staying at ?"

"at a extremely annoying Dickhead's house."

"oh god, all the boys you call a dickhead are handsome, is he too?"

" I really never looked at him closely but i guess he is but his own cousin is trying to hit on him "

"Eww thats not good, is she that kind ?"

"yeah she looks like the leader of all the pick me girls."

i could hear her laughing her ass off in the background and by this time i was roaming around in the whole house. I could feel eyes on me but couldn't see anyone. That kind of creeped me out.

"Hey Esme, I'll call you back later okay ?"

"yeah sure, no worries and dont forget to call me when you meet

 del "

"sure i wont, bye, see ya" i said and hung up the call. i noticed a few more messages from the person who messaged me back in New York. it said-

I hope you are doing good darling

will see you soon and don't forget to tell me anything when we meet.

see you soon sweatheart. love you always.

and that was it. it creeped me out. I quickly went in the living room and found Cleo sitting there laughing with all of them. Adler was not here but. i sat down beside Cleo and showed him the all the texts. He looked at me with widened eyes.

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