Chapter 14 - First Date

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Astoria's pov

"Hey you sleeping Beauty ! Wake up your lazy ass right now !" The fake  high pitched voice of my dearest cousin said.
"Let me sleep" I groaned and pulled the duvet over my face.
"No more sleeping you bitch. Tante is calling you downstairs in 15 " Elle said  while taking my duvet and throwing it in a corner of my room. I groaned and got up.
"I'm up now. Happy ? " i said and she sarcastically smiled "Very !" She said and went out. I checked the time and it was 8:15 am. I stood up and went towards the bathroom to take a nice refreshing bath. After spending 10 minutes in that heaven, I went in my closet to get ready to go the company.
I wore the first outfit i saw in my closet and went downstairs to have breakfast and then quickly leave.

 I wore the first outfit i saw in my closet and went downstairs to have breakfast and then quickly leave

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Astoria's Outfit

"Good morning everyone" i said as i entered the dining room. Everyone present there greeted me back and went back to eating. I served myself some coffee , bacon and eggs and sat down on a chair beside Elle.
"You going to office honey ?" Mom asked and I nodded.
"Great but come back by 5 " she said and got back to eating.
"But why ?" I asked her frowning.
"Umm.... Ashford is going to pick you up at 6 for your date. " she said with the eyes that Said 'you better fucking listen to what I'm saying or else you're dead'. "But why am I going on a date with HIM ?" I asked her ignoring the look she gave me. Very good job tria, now you're dead.
"So that both of you can get to know each other better before the wedding" mom said shrugging her shoulders like it's the most obvious thing in the fucking world.
I rolled my eyes and finished my breakfast.
I was about to leave but then Elle called me back.
"Can I come too ?" She asked.
"You'll get bored" i told her but she rolled her eyes at me.
"I won't get bored" i shrugged my shoulders and said,
"If you want you can but don't whine later that i didn't warn you." She squealed happily and trotted behind me. I roar the engine to life and slowly emerge with the traffic on the highway that let me to my company. Lucille begged to play her playlist and again squealed happily after I gave her the permission to do so.
"Good morning Miss Eleonora, Good morning Miss Black" Clair greeted me and i smiled back at her and so did Elle. She gave me my schedule for today and i had a meeting in 5. I was fucking late. I quickly went through the file and went towards the conference room.
"Good morning Miss Eleonora" everyone greeted me and I just gave them a nod. "You all may sit down now. We shall begin" 
The idea of business that Mr Thompson had was pretty useless. I knew that if he used that thing , he would go bankrupt. I told him the truth and told him that I'm not interested in it.
After 3 hours of sitting there. I finally came back to my office and fell down on the black velvet couch in here. I closed my eyes for a bit but then there was a knock again. I muttered a 'come in' and Clair gave me the file for the next meeting which will be in 20 minutes. I went through the file and still had 14 minutes to spare. I closed my eyes and took a short nap that lasted for only 10 minutes because Elle came back from the cafeteria and started ranting about something. I didn't pay attention to it so I don't know what it was about.
I attended that meeting too and still had one more meeting scheduled for 3:00 pm. I attended that one too and looked at the time. It was already 4:45. Fuck it. If i don't reach home by 5, mom's gonna kill the fuck out of me. I called Elle cuz I don't know where the hell she disappeared and told her to come meet me by the car. She was standing there and got in when I unlocked it. Thankfully there wasn't much traffic at that moment and i reached home just 5 minutes past 5. I went in my room to get ready. I did a light make up and wore a white dress with a square neck and net sleeves.

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