Chapter 3 - Old memories and people

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Astoria's Pov

It was 2:45 in the morning and Cleo was sleeping in the backseat. I have been driving since 4 or 5 hours i guess. I kept on driving and driving and just stopped at some place on the highway so that i could fill in some caffeine in my body to help me to stay awake for this fucking long drive. I was in my own world listening to muaic at a low volume , suddenly i saw the familiar surroundings. A smile automatically made its way on my face when i saw that i still remember this place. "Cleo, Cleo , wake up. We are here " i called out to him as i entered the driveway of the house. " What is it ast ? And where the fuck are we ?" He slept in a sleepy voice being totally confused.
"Just pick up your lazy ass and get out of the car." I said as i switched of the ignition and got out myself. I opened the trunk and grabbed whatever i could leaving the rest for cleo to pick up. " What is this place and how do you even know about it ?" He again questioned me. I rolled my eyes and ignored him as he kept on blabbering.
"You know winter is better than you. She keeps quite and follows what i say . She got out of the car and even picked up her toy that she was playing with the entire ride." He glared at me and winter , sighed and picked up the stuff he was supposed to.
I went near the door and entered the passcode.
The door blinked a green light and made a click sound as i sighed in relief. I still remember the code , that means my memory is kinda sharp.
"You even know the fucking passcode !!!!!!!!" He said in pure confusion and i again rolled my eyes.
I kept the stuff that i had in my hands on the floor and switched on the lights. The lights flickered open and the memories i made here flurried back to my mind making me smile. 
"Follow me " i said to cleo and he did what i said. I went upstairs and took him to his room.
"This is your room and the room at the end of the hallway is mine. If you need anything come there
Now i'm going. Meet you in the kitchen after 20 minutes." I said while going towards my room. I opened the door and the lights flickered open automaticall. I went inside and kept the luggage in my walk in closet.
I took out some sweatshirts and shorts and went to take a warm bath.
After i did that i combed my hair and went outside my room.
Cleo was still not ready so i decided to roam around the house. I still remember everything we did here. I went in the living room and started looking at the photoframes kept there. oh i remember this one. It was me , mom , dad and cleo in that one. We were on the beach. I was 9 and cleo was 4 at that time as far as i remember. My eyes went to another photo in which cleo was just a little baby and i was a toddler. I was hugging him practically crushing him in between my arms. I laughed at that one. My eyes went towards the next one in which me and cleo were there with 2 other boys. Idk them neither i remember meeting them. Probably because i look pretty small in that one so i dont remember them. I was just looking at the photos suddenly someone jumped on my back and shouted " piggy back ride is on you " i already know its cleo, who else could it be. I laughed and started running here and there with him on my back. I took him to the kitchen and dropped him on the counter table. We both laughed and settled down on the table itself. " wanna eat something ?" I asked cleo as he nodded. I quickly grabbed the 2 cup of instant noodles from the bag we packed and poured hot water in it waiting for it to be soft.
"So now will you tell me what is this place ?" He asked me for the 10th time Now. I sighed and started speaking
" This place is practically our spare house. We used to come here during our holidays and we celebrated christmas here. When we left the house i was thinking to go to some hotel or something but after the phone call from that fucker i thought to come here. Its been almost 12 years since i came here. " I told him. " This means you were 11 when you came here and i was 6 so thats why i only havw blurry memories of here. " I nodded as he explained his theory. We  ate our noodles as i told him the short and funny stories i could remember of when we were here. After that we went to our rooms to sleep and i was followed by winter who wanted to sleep with me i guess. I let her go on the bed and layed down too. I drifted off to sleep real quick and went to my own dreamland.

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