Chapter 10 - Shopping for wedding

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Astoria's Pov

After our little fight with Cleo and Adler, I went in my room to relax but was disturbed by the boys.
"Hey Ria , what are you watching?" Cleo asked trying to act innocent but I caught the smirk he was hiding. All of them came here just to irritate me.
"Greenhouse Academy" i replied with an eye roll and a shrug.
"Seriously !!!! What are you ? 13 ? A fucking hormonal teenager ? Why are you even watching Greenhouse Academy ?" He asked while dramatically shaking his hands in the air and all of them settled down on my bed.
"It's been a while since I watched it and I didn't even finished the 3rd and 4th season." I said without even sparing them a glance.
"What ? Is 3rd and 4th season is out ? Gosh ! What happened? Are Hailey and Leo together ?" Adler asked being curious.
I paused the episode and looked at him with sad eyes
"No, they aren't. AND YOU KNOW WHAT ? HAILEY IS BEING ALL LOVEY-DOVEY WITH DANIEL !!!!!!!!!!" I said being extremely sad.
"Wait !!!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING ?????? Hailey is with Daniel instead of Leo ? " he said being really upset at the end.
"Yeah, i couldn't even believe it. In the end of S2 i thought she called Leo and I also got really Angry when that Daniel guy kissed her and Leo didn't but she betrayed all of us. She even started staying with the eagles " i exclaimed with a said and low voice.
"I feel like crying right now." Adler said and the other two rolled their eyes. I shot them a glare and looked back at Adler.
"It's okay, Adler I'm still on S3. So who knows what will happen in S4. Maybe Leo and Hailey get back together ?" I said in a hopeful voice and he nodded then I just resumed the episode and we watched it for about 1 and 1/2 hours. The other two were continuosly complaining but me and Adler were watching it intently.
Then we just ordered out some pizza and then we went in our rooms to sleep but i planned out on drawing. I don't know what I was drawing but I was just randomly moving my 4B pencil here and there on the pure white sketchpad.
Suddenly my phone rang and I picked it up. I was listening to music so my I-pods were already connected to it.
"Hey bitch , what's up ?" It was Lexi
"I'm great, what's with the cheery tone ?" I asked her still drawing and not really focusing on what she was rambling about.
"We are going to go shopping tomorrow. All of us " she exclaimed excitedly.
"What ? But as far as I remember, you just went to shopping last week before the event, didn't you ?" I asked her being confused.
"Yeah I went but this time it's for your wedding.  " she said it slowly but I still heard her. How could I forget about that Stupid thing ?
" I'm not going anywhere" I told her using my cold shoulder tone but she whined
"Noooo..... You are coming with us and that's final. Avery (Tria's mom ) told me to tell you about it cuz she and Leo ( Tria's dad ) including Ashford's parents are out somewhere. So she told me to take you there." She said
I let out a sigh and agreed to her. I didn't tell her about the kiss cuz I know that she's gonna go all crazy about it and wouldn't stop rambling. I hung up the call after we decided everything.
They're gonna come by my house and pick me up by 1 tomorrow.
I continued drawing and somehow ended up drawing  Ryomen Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen.

Then I felt my eyes closing so I went towards my bed and pulled on the covers over my body

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Then I felt my eyes closing so I went towards my bed and pulled on the covers over my body. I slowly drifted off the dreamland.

Next Day

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