Chapter 2 - Emergency

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Astoria's pov

It had been 3 hours since mom and ad went and it was night time now, most probably 7:30 or something. Me and cleo were in the kitchen preparing popcorns for movie night.
" What kind of emergency is it thta they had to leave in such a hurry ?" Cleo questioned.
" How the fuck am i supposed to know that. Didnt you saw how mom was acting all scared up " i responded
He nodded his head and went in the living room. I grabbed the bowl of popcorns and went to the living room too.
" What do you wanna watch ?" He asked me.
" I dont know. Just put whatever you want. " He shrugged his shoulders and put some horror movie.

After 1 hour

We were just watching the movie until i heard some weird noise from the kitchen.
Cleo immediately paused the movie and looked at me.
" Did you hear that ?" He asked and i nodded my head.
I immediately took out my gun from the drawer kept near the backyard door and actioned with my hands telling cleo to follow me and be quiet as possible.
He was trotting behind me while i was searching for any sign of an invader in the house.
We went up to kitchen and i felt movement behind the counter kept right in the middle of the kitchen.
I motioned cleo to stay right there and held my gun tighter ready to shoot the person who came inside.
I carefully went there and was about to shoot until i heard barking noise. I  sighed and practically dropped the gun down.
" God damnit. No need to worry cleo its just winter."
Cleo came towards me and winters while clenching his heart.
" You know you literally killed me." he acted like he was scolding her.
In return she just barked and came behind me asking me to protect her from cleo.
"Dont run away now. Im not gonna spare you today. What do you think if you hide behind ria i wont catch you. Nah you've got me wrong you little birdie " he said.
"Just to remind you , she's a dog not a bird. Okay ?" I corrected him
He rolled his eyes at me and then winter started running and behind him was cleo they were running here and there round the whole house.
I laughed at them and went to the living room. I sat down and called them. They obedientely came back and sat down with cleo on my left and winter at my right i resumed the movie and watched it quietly.

After the movie was finished i ordered some pizza and we all ate it excelt winters ofc. I gave her dog food and she ate it. After that we all went to sleep.


I was in a dark room again. Tied up with chains and i could feel throbbing pain inside my whole body.
I tried moving but it all went to waste since i had no energy left. Specially when i was being hanged by the chain held tightly on my wrists. Suddenly the atmosphere became colder than it already was. There were  shadows of some people whose face i couldnt see.
Ofc you cant you dumbass. Its totally dark here. I mentally scolded myslef and suddenly there was light in the whole room.
It took me time to adjust my eyes to the sudden lights. When i opened my eyes fully i saw 2 men standing there. Their eyes were on me and in their hand i could see their guns. I tried not to move and then one of them spoke.
" Try all you want little girl. But you cant escape from here "
" Just let me free you filthy bitches and then i will show you who am i " i screamed with all the energy left in my. I guess that was a bad idea since i had no energy left now and there was a gun pointed at my head. " Dare to scream ahain and this bullet of mine will go through your head" he said while clenching his jaw. I guess he thought he was looking hot but it was disgusting, truly. i laughed at their words like a maniac. They thought of me as a psycho or something i guess.
"I guess you dont know who the fuck am i or else you wouldnt have done this mistake of fucking kidnapping me" i told them.
They laughed at my statements and i joined their laughing too. They stopped and looked at me confused since i was still laughing. they really dont know who am i , i guess.
" You 're just 2 fucking filthy bitches" and boom there was a bullet throught my head.


I woke up panting and cleo standing infront of me with a glass of water in his hands. He gave it to me and caressed my back. I kwpt the glass on table after emptying the contents in it.
" Did it happen again ?"he asked me with concern in his voice.
I nodded my head and closed my eyes.
" Dont tell dad or mom about this"
I ordered him. He looked hesitant at first and was about to say something but i looked at him and he just nodded.
" But dont you think you should consult someone about it. Because you have been facing this since years now " he said.
" I dont want to talk about all this right now. I am going to sleep again " i ignored jis questions and tried sleeping again
" Im sleeping with you today then " he said and laid down beside me. I also felt winter coming on the bed too and we all fell asleep.

Next Day

The same shit happened today. Dropping cleo to school, giving him all the instructions, attending a tons of meetings , lunch , picking cleo up from school, coming back home and winyer scaring us again. Cleo helped me in cooking the dinner and then we all ate it. After that he told me about his day and i told him about his. I called mom dad but they didnt picked up. I left a message for them telling them to tell me about their whereabouts. We both said goodnights to each other and went to our rooms.
I picked up my phone and saw a few messages from some unknown person. I clicked on them and it was sent around 8:45. It said.

" You better pay attention to your surroundings."
"Dont be too busy while enjoying with your family that you forget about me."
" You know what i can do to them, right ? "

All the messages were creeping me out but what made chills go through my spine was the photo sent after the messages.
It was a picture of me , cleo and winter in the kitchen , happily cooking. It was today's photo. We were wearing the same clothes as today's too so this means it was most definetly clicked today that too by someone unknown.
I got out of my bed and went up to Cleo's room but.....he wasnt there. I knocked on the bathroom door and opened it but he wasnt there either. I went up to his walk in closet but he wasmt there either. At this point i was panicking. I called him and his phone vibrated while it was on the bed i started shouting his name. I went up to the kitchen. There was someone standing there. I already picked up my gun when i left my room to find cleo so it was with me already. I held it tighter and pointed it towards that person.
" Who are you  and what are you doin in my house ?" I said with a serious and dangerous voice.
" Dude, chill ast its me , cleo. He switched on the lights and i could see his face. I hugged him and then slapped him.
"Ow, it hurts , you know that. Why did you do that and why do you have your gun with you ? "
He asked so many questions at the same time.
I suddenly remembered about the messages. I gave my phone to him and said.
"check the messages" while i went towards the window from where the angle of the photo seemed like and to my horror that window was open. I closed and drew the curtains.
" What the fuck are these messages ?" He asked me with widened eyes.
" i dont know what are they or from whom are they. Just pack your bag quickly. We are leaving from here. "
I told him and took his hand running upstairs.
"Are we going to leave now, like at this hour." he questioned
" Yes, and no more questions now , just quickly shove all you necessary thing in your bag and dont forget to keep the guns i gave you for your defence. Also take something for your entertainment and to eat " he nodded his head and went towards his room which was just opposite to mine.
We both quickly kept everything we needed and went downstairs.
I took my car keys and kept the bags in the trunk whilst cleo told winter to get in the car. After we were all settled in, I locked the doors of the house and left. " Where are we going ?" He questioned.
" Just somewhere where no one can find us and is safer than here "
He was about to speak something but then was cutted off by my phone ringing. It was from some unknown person. We both looked at each other. i picked up the call and connevted it to my car.
"Hello , who's this ?"
"Hey Babydoll "
Someone using voice changer so i couldnt recognise the voice.
"I see that you left your house. "
How does that person know that i left.
" Dont worry babydoll, my men or i are not following you, go whereever you want. Just know that no matter what i will find you "
" Who the fuck are you, you fucking bastard ? " I yelled at that person.
He chuckled and replied " I love you , my love " and then he cut the call.
"Who the fuck was that ast ?"
Cleo asked me
" I have no fucking idea who was that. " I replied and kept on driving to exactly nowhere.


I hope you liked this chapter and sorry for uploading it late. Your author is kinda busy with school and stuff so yeah. Ill try to post the next chapter soon.
Love ya guys.
See you next time and till then,
Its me your one and only

~Bl@ckrose 🖤

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