Chapter 24 - The Past Finally Comes Out

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Ashford's Pov

I quickly hold Ast as she fainted down and was about to fall on the floor.

"Ast. Ast ?" Lexi said while tapping her cheeks but there was no response.

"We should take her to the hospital" abilo said and i nodded as I picked her up in bridal style.

Lexi looked a bit hesitant and shocked but then spoke.

"We don't have to take her to the hospital. I know what happened to her" she said and i frowned.

"Then tell " abilo said and she shook her head.

"I can't. Just take her back to home " she said and i shook my head.

"But....." I was cut off by Lexi who strictly told me to take Ast back to home.

I agreed but was hesitant. Why did she faint suddenly.

I drove back to home and Lexi along with abilo came shortly.

After a few minutes of lying down, Ast finally woke up.

"What happened ?" She asked while holding her head but then suddenly stopped widened her eyes.

She looked at Lexi and she nodded slowly. Ast looked like she was about to cry.

"Sorry guys but can you go out for a bit. I need to talk to her " Lexi said while ast was in her trance.

"Alright" I said and got out with Abilo.

As soon as we got out Abilo bombarded with questions.

"Did you guys do it ? Also did you guys use protection? What do you think it is , A girl or a boy ?" He said and I was shocked.

He really thinks Ast is pregnant, doesn't he ?

"First of all, i didn't even kiss her since the wedding forget about having sex. Second of all, do you think I'm that stupid to not use protection and give both of us heart attacks at the thought of being pregnant ?" I said and he shook his head.

"And why do you think Ast is pregnant?" I ask and he shrugged his shoulders.

"She fainted suddenly. Then when she wakes up she looks shocked and widens her before turning to Al and then Al nodded her head. What do you think those girls are doing in there ? Doing pregnancy tests ? " He said but I would believed him if me and Ast had sex. But we didn't so of course there's no chance of her being pregnant.

Soon after Lexi comes out and then she and Abilo left.

"Ash. I need to tell you something " was the first thing Ast said when I went to our room after bidding goodbye to Lexi and Abilo.

"Yes what is it ?" I ask. Did she cheat on me ?

What are you even thinking you dumbass ? I know we kinda hate each other but neither me nor her would cheat on each other.

"It's something about my past " she says and i frown. I was shocked and my confusion grew further after a few tears fell down her face.

"If you don't want don't tell. You don't have to. I totally understand" I say that and hug her. I felt my shirt get wet but I don't care right now. She could cry all she want.

"I want to " she says after a few minutes and then let of me.

"It was around 7th grade when there was a new student in our school. He was kind of cute handsome, you could call him a bad boy with good reputation type " she said and I felt jealousy rise in me.

Now is not the time you idiot.

"At the end of 7th grade, he asked me out on a date. I agreed too. Later on we were.....a thing. He was nice, we went to dates, had fun, like any other couple " she said and I felt a sting of pain. More because I wasn't there at the time this happened. But i would have broken that guy's nose if he even looked at Ast.

"It was till one day , he asked me if I would go to camping or something like that with his family. I asked mom dad and they agreed. I didn't knew what i was getting myself into " she said and more tears fell down her face.

"What do you think how my nonna died?" She suddenly asked and looked up. Her eyes were bloodshot red.

"It was a car accident, atleast that was what I was told " I said and she chuckled darkly and shook her head.

"Rydian, my ex-boyfriend kidnapped me. He and his father held me captive in a room for 3 years. They abused me, beat me , drugged me, starved me.......raped me." She said and i couldn't believe what I heard.

While I was having fun in Italy, she was being abused and molested by 2 psychos. I didn't realise when a tear fell down my face too.

Ast was looking at me the entire time and when she saw the tear, she rubbed it with her thumba and shook her head.

"He was the one who killed nonna and made it look like a car accident. He and his father is the reason for who I am today, a cold heartless bitch" she said and i listened.

"The reason can't get drunk is because of them too. They drugged me so much that my body kind of grew immune to drugs and alcohol and stuff " she said and looked down once again.

"He sent me on spy missions. That's why I know a lot of languages, i learnt them to understand what those people who I used to spy on were saying. " She said and i felt a stinging pain in my whole body. I always was amused how she could speak so many languages but the story behind it wasn't so amusing. Heck it wasn't even fine.

"After suffering that for 3 years. Don and Donna of the American Mafia, Esme's parents, finally found me. They took me back to mom dad. It was because of them I lost my memories too" she said at the last that made me frown a little.

"I was returning from somewhere, I don't remember that either. When one of Rydian's men failed my breaks. I was obviously on a high speed while listening to music when I saw something, at first i couldn't see and hit my breaks but of course they failed." She said and then sighed once again. She is trying control her tears.

"It wasn't a deer or a dog or some animal. It was Rydian himself. I wish I didn't twist the steering wheel and just hit him that day. The person who has been texting me and the person whom we called the other day, in Texas, it was him" she said and then she finally let it all out.

I hugged her and we stayed like that for a good 15 minutes. Suddenly she looked at me and looked down.

She hesitated at first but then crashed her lips on mine. I was taken back at first but then responded her. I bit her lower lip and she groaned lightly. We pulled away because we are humans and obviously need oxygen.

We looked at each other and laughed. I was happy that she was smiling now.

I held her face in my hands and rubbed my thumb along her jaw.

"You are the strongest and the bravest person I've ever met. Never forget that " I said and hugged her. We stayed like that for the whole evening.

We had takeout for dinner and then watched Marvel : Age Of Ultron while cuddling.

The movie was finished long ago and Ast was still cuddling with me, in my arms.

I gently picked her up and carried her to our room. I placed her on the bed and laid down beside her too.

"Don't worry. From now onwards I'll protect you. No matter what it takes " i whispered and kissed her on the forehead and pulled her closer to my body.


I guess you guys so that com- I mean arriving. My dirty mind wouldn't shut up. Sorry for that. I honestly cried while writing this. I know it isn't that emotional but trust me, when you go through this, you will know.

"When you know you know......"

Btw, I'm extremely sorry for not posting the chapters. I had some family issues so i couldn't.

Love you all ❣️❣️❣️


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