Chapter 22 - Funeral

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Ashford's Pov

"We all are gathered here......" The priest continues to say but I don't listen to whatever he is saying.

My eyes are on Ast and Cleo. How are they coping up with this ? I can clearly see the purple bags under Ast's eyes and redness in them.

Cleo looks pale but other than that he looks fine. Ast must be puting on that facade of the elder sister. Obviously she is.

She is trying to act and remain strong for Cleo. So that he doesn't breakdown after seeing her. She has gained more responsibility after that day.

"Now I would request all of you Starting with their elder daughter, to come and offer your prayers " the priest said but Ast didn't move and inch.

She just kept looking at the casket lie it holds onto her life. Which it does you idiot.

Cleo nudges her on the arm and point his head towards the casket. Ast slowly makes her way there and bends down to keep the blue orchids in her father's casket and white roses in her mom's.

She says something in French and then looks up before getting up and going back to where she was standing before.

Cleo does the same , it's just that he stay longer than Ast did. Then Ast's Nonno and then it was my parents and then me.

"I really don't know what to say to you guys.... Just remember, I'll take of Ast. Don't worry, I'll even sacrifice my life for her. She's been a mess since the day she found out about you guys.
I'll try my best to make her feel better. Love you both and hope you find peace there. I know you'll guys go to heaven unlike me , who'll obviously go to hell" i slightly smile at my last sentence and keep the flowers I held in my hand before going back.

I looked over at Ast and she didn't moved at all. I bet she didn't even blink. She is pale as a vampire dude. I don't think she's been eating either.

She's staying at her parents' mansion to stay with Cleo. He's still 17 so he needs a guardian for himself.

Ast decided to take care of him cuz he's her brother and told my parents to take rest since they also have been working their asses off.

Now it was time for the caskets to be buried and just then it decided to rain.

Ast and Cleo were standing in the rain. They were wet from top to bottom.

I gave my umbrella to Adler and went to stand between them. I could clearly make out that both of them were trying not to cry but as soon as I stood between them their tears fell down.

I kept both of their heads on my shoulder and let their tears and raindrops fall on my shoulder.

I kept a hand on both of theirs shoulders and kinda side hugged them. Why did it have to rain today ? Isn't this thing already sad and now it decided to rain too ?

Very soon the rituals were over and now we were heading back home. Mom dad insisted on going to the Eleonora's mansion and help out Cleo and Ast.

They both denied but then gave in. Mom dad were in the car behind us and us 4 were in my car.

"Can we play music ?" Ast asks and i nod.

She connects her phone to the Bluetooth of my car and opens Spotify.

Is god against us today ? Why the fuck did Dark Paradise by Lana had to play right now ?

I go to change the song but Ast stops me and gives me a small smile. God I can't resist her , can I ?

She played some Chase Atlantic later on and after 30 minutes we reached the mansion.

"We should stop crying now " Cleo suddenly says and we all turn to him.

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