Chapter 5 - Tolerating Lorette

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Astoria's Pov

Adler spoke with shock evident in his voice.
I just simply nodded my head while looking at my phone but i could feel the stares i was recieving  from the boys. I was just checking a few e-mails Clair sent me suddenly there was a screaming sound of someone. I looked up to see the boys and they looked confused too. I stood up and started going from where the voice came. It was from outside the mansion. I took out my gun from my waistband underneath my sweatshirt and held it firmly in my hand , ready to shoot someone if i need to.
I opened the gates and went outside. There was a girl standing in a very revealing outfit. She stood there talking to the bodyguard out there.
" C'mon just let me go inside " she said in her high pitched voice , definitely fake.
Adler and Ashford came after me and stood there looking at that girl in horror. " Why god , what in the fucking world i did to meet this girl today ? " Adler fake cried. I looked at him being totally confused and looked back at the girl who was now looking at us.
"Oh , hey Adler, hey ashy, thank god you both are here, now I can finally come inside, this stupid bodyguard out here wouldn't let me in " she said in her high pitched voice.
"Hey Lorette , nice to see you. Please let her in Joseph." Adler said in a pissed off voice. She came closer and she was definitely jumping to make her breasts move more than usual. Just ewww. She was coming towards us with a smile but when her eyes landed on me her smile dropped.
"Hey adler, Hey ashy nice to see you after a long time." She hugged Adler and was about hug Ashford but he backed away. She looked kinda disappointed but she never dropped that smile of hers. "Nice to see you to lorette." Ashford replied in a cold voice.
"Mom , dad didnt tell that you were about to come. " Adler asked her
"They didn't ? Im sure they wanted to give you both a great surprise." She smiled that smile of hers again. How the hell in this fucking world her jaw doesnt hurts after smiling so much. My jaw would start hurting if i even smiled for more than 15 seconds.
"Yeah, what a great surprise you
gave. " Adler said while giving a fake smile to her.
"Shall we go in or you are planning to send her back to wherever the fuck she came from.  " I said in a really bored tone.
She glared at me but when i looked at her again she turned it into a fake smile which i also returned with a fake smile too.
Adler nodded and we went inside.
"Chi cazzo è lei?
(Who the fuck is she ?)
She asked adler in a low voice.
Calm down ast, calm down, she is just a fucking pick me girl curious about you. Its okay......
"Sono il fottuto leader della mafia francese."
( I am the fucking leader of the french mafia )
I said and turned around while looking at the gun in my hand. I bet i could hear her gulp. I looked at her and she looked down. I smirked and went towards the living room and sat down. I couldnt even check my mails because of her fucking scream.
I shrugged all the things off and read the mails carefully but i could still hear her whispering about me to Adler.
"You do know that i can hear you , right ?" I looked up and she looked like the kid who has been caught be her mother while stealing candies at the middle of the night.
"How do you know that i was talking about you ?" She asked and i rolled my eyes.
"You know of you have these things called ears which you use to hear things " I replied all frustrated from her.
I could hear Ashford chuckle in the background.
She rolled her eyes and started talking to Adler again. I stood up and went to my room knowing she would still want to talk about me. I checked all my mails and connected my i-pods to my phone. Music will help me relax.
I felt like listening to Tension by Kylie Monogue. This song has really good beats. I went towards the balcony and stood there listening to music. Suddenly my right i-pod was taken out from my ear and I turned only to find Ashford fucking Ermington trying to vibe on that song.
" what do you want ?" I asked him. I don't want to get angry again and raise my blood pressure.
"Hmm, nothing, I was just bored so I decided to come here only to find you listening to one of my favourite songs." Oh so he really knows that song.
I rolled my eyes and and stood there facing the view outside. The song ended so I took out my phone to put some Taylor Swift's song.
Suddenly I felt like listening to So it goes so I clicked on it and it played.
"Okay, now I'm convinced that you have the same taste as me. I also have so it goes on my playlist and it's awesome." Does he really knows Taylor.
"How well do you know Taylor then."
I asked  him
"I know her very well " he said with a smirk.
"Okay then. I'm gonna take a short test to see if you are a real swiftie or not" I said to him and he just nodded.
"Okay , now tell me which song is it. "
I played a few songs which I thought were probably not listened to by him but to my surprise he knew all of them. Then I asked him about her birthday, albums, tours , iconic concerts, first song, artists she collabed with and he literally answered all of it. I guess he's a die hard swiftie like me.
"Okay, you have passed the test. Congratulations " I told him and went inside the room but was followed by him.
"Thanks" he said and I nodded my head.
"Ast and Ash come down for dinner " summers shouted and I picked up my phone and left.
I went towards the dining room and sat on a random chair only to find that annoying girl , Adler and Cleo talking.
I rolled my eyes and went towards where my mum was.
"Hey mum, need any help ?" I asked.
"Yeah, sure honey. Could you please go and keep this salad on the table ?" She said whilst handling it to me I nodded and kept it on the table. Ashford also came and helped me set up the table. We all sat down and were eating quietly suddenly that blondie spoke.
"It's really great aunt summers. I love this pasta " she said and smiled at her and for the first time I saw her genuine smile.
"Thank you dear. Oh by the way , i forgot to introduce you guys. Astoria this is Lorette, Ash's cousin sister from my side and Lorette she is Astoria, ash's------" she was about to say something but stopped in the middle and looked at my mom. My mom was giving her the eyes.
"Ash's dad's bestfriend's daughter. Also the leader of the French Mafia. She smiled awkwardly and looked at both of us. I faked a smile towards her and she did the same.
After that we ate the dinner silently and went in the living room to have a movie day. We had nothing to do so we decided to just watch movies.
"Which one ? " Adler asked and me and Ashford both replied
"Horror" we looked at each other but i quickly looked away , i could feel his eyes on me. Why does he have a habit of staring at people for too long ?
"Which horror then ?" Adler asked
" Just put a good one" I said to him and he put exorcist. I've seen it a lot.


We were in the middle of the most horror scene of the movie and I could see Lorette clinging on to Ashford's arm like her life depends on it. He was also watching the movie but when I looked towards him and Lorette, he looked at me again and followed where my eyes were. He smirked and kept on watching the movie.
I felt a bit disgusted about them , like Ashford is Lorette's cousin brother but still Lorette is trying to hit on him. Like i also had a crush on one of my cousin brother back when I was a teenager but that ended soon.
The movie ended after almost 25 minutes and the whole time Lorette was clinging on to him.
"Thanks ashy for letting me hold you while we watched that movie. " she said in a high pitched voice. I 'tsked' and rolled my eyes.
"What happened to you now ?" She asked me in a frustrated voice.
"Nothing, what will happen to me ?"
I said and rolled my eyes again
"I don't like you, you are so rude and full of yourself. " she said and smirked
"Well , I don't care of you like me or not but my middle finger and gun seems to like you a lot. " I looked at her and could feel the fear in her eyes but she tried to act strong.
" you know you are really dumb. " she said again
"Well, since  you know everything you
Should also know how to shut up " i replied and Cleo and Adler did 'Ooooooo' while Ashford smirked.
"You know you are so---------" 
Enough is enough now. I raised my gun and pointed at her.
"I've heard enough now. Will you shut up or would you like this bullet of mine pass through your head."
Suddenly there was a shooting sound but I didn't even shoot. Who the fuck did that ?


Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you all liked it. Please do not forget to click on that orange star below.....
See you all next time
love ya guys,
Till then it's only me one and only yours lovingly


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