Chapter 7 - The Announcement

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Astoria's Pov

I let the boys in and closed the door. they both sat down on my bed and i sat down too resting my back on the headboard.

"Where are the others ?" i asked them.

"They are asleep and that's why we decided to talk to you right now" Adler spoke.

i nodded my head urging them to continue.

"Okay so you do know what kind of a girl is Lorette , right ?" Adler spoke

i nodded my head and he continued.

"Soooo she has been trying to hit on us since Ash was 15 and she was 13 and she is still doing that "

i coughed as soon as i heard since when she is hitting on him.

"And now she is coming to New York with us too now." Adler spoke again.

I widened my eyes when he told that she is going to NY too.

"Why the fuck is SHE coming with us ?" i asked looking at both of them but both of them sighed in unison.

"Since you know she is our cousin from mom's side she has been invited too to the event." Ashford spoke.

"Gosh, i hate her, i truly do. She's so fucking annoying." they both nodded at what i said.

"And that's why we need your help" he spoke again

"What can i help you with then ?" i asked

"You know she's afraid of you since that gun encounter. So we need you to stay near us so that she stays away from us. Its a win-win situation for you." Ashford spoke again.

"What kind of win-win situation am i in ? She already stays away from me so there's nothing such as win-win for me in this thing." I spoke.

"Okay, then both of us owe you one. You can make us both do anything you want but only for one time" Ashford spoke again. he really need me otherwise he wouldn't give me an opportunity to make both of them do anything i want, even if it is for 1 time.

"Okay, i'm ready to help you guys. I'll tell you what i need you guys to do later." i told them.

"Thank you so much Ast, you dont know what this means for us ?"

Adler spoke while joining his hands and I laughed.
"It's okay, it really isn't big deal. besides she is already afraid of me and if i just you know even look at her with my 'those' eyes that moms give us, she's gonna faint or might even die" i said laughing and they both cracked really hard on that.

"Thanks again Ast, we should be going now, we need to leave early tomorrow and wake up by 6 tomorrow. Goodnight " ashford said while heading towards the door.

"okay i will, goodnight" i closed the door and turned of the lamps and soon drifted off to sleep.



Here i am now sitting in my dad's private jet again going back to NY. I'm happy since i will be able to sleep in my room is 8 right now and the jet took off and we wet high up in the air. I put on my headsets and closed my eyes to relax a bit. the lights were already a bit dim so it didn't create a problem for me.

I listened to a few songs of Lana Del Rey and Taylor Swift. I love their songs so much. I read a few books that i had downloaded on my phone and talked the Ashford and Adler about the plan. Somehow we made it to NY after almost 9 hours of being in the sky. Dad Called Joseph, his second in command in mafia and he dropped us at home.

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