Chapter 19 - Abused ?

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Ashford's Pov

"Fin-fucking-lly" I said as i zipped my suitcase close. Ast was still packing sp i decided to tease her.

"Aww... Look at you, still packing and look at me , already done " I said and she gave her infamous glare.

"Shut up or you'll have to face the consequences " she said and went in the closet to get something.

"What are the consequences?" I said with a smirk and she passed sweet evil smile of hers to me.

"Nothing much. Just me cutting off your ears and then stabbing your thighs a lot of times. Then piercing my bullet through your skull and mouth " she said and smiled sweetly.

God She's really scare. I mean like i know i kill ruthlessly but she's another hell. Hell that i would die for. Hell that could make me think I'm in heaven.

"Just go pack to packing " i muttered and she smirked back. She kept the last of her clothes and kept her suitcase on the floor next to mine.

She sat on the bed , covering herself with the duvet and switched on the TV.

"What are you upto ?" I ask her and sat beside her, in mood for a good movie time.

"Some kdrama i guess" she said and i snap my head towards her.

"You watch kdramas ?" I ask her and she nods, not even glancing at me and her eyes stuck on that TV.
" Do you even understand whatever the hell they say ?" I ask her and she nods again.

"Of course I do. I know Korean after all " she said and i furrow my eyebrows.

"How the fuck do you know so many languages?" I ask her and she stiffened. Her body language seemed to change. Something flashed in her eyes but then it disappeared as soon as I saw it. Was it hurt ? Or was it embarrassment ? Or a feeling I don't know about ?

"Just like everyone else do. I learned
it " she said like it was obvious. I shake my head in disagreement.

"No I mean like, I've heard you say Spanish, Italian, Korean, German and Russian too. Do you know how much time it takes to learn all of these. I only know Italian, French and Japanese. Italian because everyone at home spoke it and Japanese 'cause I felt like learning it and boy was it hell when I learnt it " i ranted and she kept a face that was void of any emotion.

"Ast ? Ast ? Are you even listening ?" I ask her and kept my hand on her shoulder to shame her out of her trance, she seemed to flinch at my touch and then got back to reality.

"Sorry. I was thinking about something" she muttered and looked back at the tv. Some show going on it.
What's wrong with her ? She flinched. Why would she even do that ? Was she abused ? When I was in Italy ? but the main question is , Who did it ?

i got out of my trance when i heard her squealing. I raise my eyebrow at her and she squinted her eyes at me. "Why the fuck are you squealing like an idiot ?" i asked and she gasped dramatically.

"don't you dare call me an Idiot and why do you care if I squeal or shout ?" she said and rolled her eyes before going back to watching that drama.

I need to ask her about it. Was she really abused or is it something else ? What kind of abuse was it ? Physical ? Mental ? or s-sexual ? my hands automatically turned into fists at the thought of her being abused in any way. I need to ask her and that's now. I don't care if she hates me for it or not. I need to ask her .

"Astoria ?" i call out seriously. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I take a deep breath and look into her eyes. "Answer this question honestly." i said and her face turned into confusion while her eyebrows furrowed.

"Were you abused by someone when i was in Italy ?" I ask her and her whole body language changed.

Astoria's Pov

"Were you abused by someone when I was in Italy ?" he asks and here comes the feeling i hate the most. Fear of people finding out what happened to me. Fear of people thinking I'm pathetic. Fear of people thinking that i was unsuccessful in running away and was weak. Fear of people judging me and saying i asked for it.

I think my body language changed because i saw hurt flashing in his eyes. Very good astoria, you are successful in making him hate you. To just play it off, i laughed , really hard.

"y-you really think someone has the guts to abuse me. The Great Astoria Eleonora. You're so wrong if you think so" i laughed even more to just play it off. I dont want to tell him, not yet. I'm not ready.

Mom thought that it would be better if i told him and the other Ermingtons and not her but she also said that i could take my time and i'm doing that. Taking my time to open up about my shitty and pathetic past life.


Sorry guys but I've my exams going on as told and I wrote it in a hurry that's why it's super short. I'm really sorry. I'll try to upload a longer chapter tomorrow or next week

Love you all ❣️❣️❣️


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