Chapter 23 - 1 month Later

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1 Month Later 

Ashford's Pov

Is it okay to stare at your wife while she works out instead of working out too ? I guess it is. I bet this girl is gonna be the death of me. 

"I know i look good. Now stop staring and continue with your squats " she said breaking me out of my trance. 

In the past month, mine and Ast's relationship has kinda of improved. We have gotten over from acting like small children and fighting over petty things. We have grown to able to handle each other's tantrums now. 

I continued doing my squats and other things. I looked over at Ast but regretted doing so. She was drinking water. I felt my shorts tighten and i could already tell I was hard. 

Only I know how much control I need to not go and kiss her right there and then. Then she went out and I followed behind her too. 

"Why are you following me ?" she asked and i tried my best to not let her see what effect she has on me.

"Because I also need to go to my room " i said and she nodded. I let her take shower in our room and I went in the guest room. I need to take care of the mess she created. Damn It.

After I was done i waited downstairs for her. We were supposed to leave for shopping 15 minutes ago but i don't know why haven't left yet. 

"Let's Go " I heard her voice say. I looked at her and nodded. She didn't pick up her keys so she wants me to drive. She is not that hard t understand. All you have to do is act like Rhys Larsen, Edward Cullen, Alex Volkov, Dante Russo and other fictional men and she will be happy. 

That's all you have to do. 

I followed behind her and took out my car from the garage and parked it in the driveway. She was about to enter but then I got out and opened the door for her. She smiled at me and got in. I got in too and drove towards the mall.   

"I guess you should call Lexi and ask her where she is going to meet us " I said and she nodded before calling Lexi.

Lexi and Abilo are going to meet us there. The girls are gonna buy their own dresses and we guys are gonna buy our own tuxedos. 

"Alright I'll see you there. Bye. Love you " Ast said and hung up the call. 

"Where are we meeting them ?" i ask and she looked at me. She paused for a few seconds and then shook her head.

"Parking lot" she said and rolled her eyes before both of us bursted out laughing

"Wait ! so you guys talked for 10 minutes just to come to the conclusion that we are meeting in the parking lot?" I asked her and she shook her head

"We were talking about something else" she said with a hint of nervousness in her tone. I sighed and kept on driving while Ast played the music. 

We reached the mall and waited for just 5 minutes before Lexi and Abilo came and Parked right beside our car

"Hey Bitch " Lexi said and hugged ast. Ast pulled away and said something to her in Korean I guess. Lexi nodded and Ast hugged her again before pulling back with a smile. She said something once again and Lexi hit her on the arm before smiling and nodding.

Lexi said something at which Ast stopped all her movements and shrugged. Lexi said something again at which Ast said something but ofcourse we guys didn't understand a word they said

"I guess we need to learn Korean too " Abilo said while standing beside me and I agreed. 

"If you both are done then shall we go ?" I asked them and lexi nudged Ast before they both bursted laughing

"I guess we need to double check " Ast said and Lexi looked kinda hesitant. Ast chuckled and then turned towards me.

"Can we take the car to somewhere ?" She asked and I frowned.

"It's important. We will be back within 30 minutes" she said and looked at Abilo who shrugged and walked towards Lexi. I sighed and gave her the keys 

"Drive carefully " i said at which she smirked and got in. Soon they left and me and Abilo went inside the mall to get us our tuxedos too.


Astoria's Pov 

"Congratulations Miss Brio. You are going to be a mother " the doctor said and Lexi started crying so I hugged her.

"C'mon don't cry now. I can't believe I am going to be an aunt " I said and that made Lex chuckle.

"I guess we should go now. They boys are still waiting for us " She said and i nodded. I completely forgot about them. 

Over the past month, I've grown to realize why I hated Ash this much. It was because i couldn't admit that I love him. It was a shock to me at first too but then my dear best friends made me realize this.

I got out of my trance when we reached the mall. We met the boys and then headed of to buy my dress. I was the Maid of Honour while Esme and Del chose to be just Bridesmaid. They were okay with me being the maid of honour. 

"how about this one ?" Ash asked me and i shook my head. He showed me another and i disliked that one too.

"Okay. I've seen Lexi's Dress and i found kinda the same. You guys can do twinning " he said and then showed me a sage green dress. 

"Ash. Lexi's dress is different and this is different" I said and he had a done look on his face. He sighed and was about to go look for another when i took that dress from him and went towards the changing room to try it on.

It was beautiful and it made my platinum blonde hair stand out more. I changed back to my clothes and then got out. I got the dress packed and then we got out of the store and decided to get some heels. We had to go to the other side of the mall to reach Christian Louboutin. 

We were on our way when I saw the guy I hate the most. My Ex boyfriend, my abuser, my rapist, my kidnapper. His eyes locked with mine and he smirked. I know I am not hallucinating. I'm not. I know I'm not hallucinating. 

He always made me believe that whatever I saw was a part of my hallucination but I know it isn't. This is isn't my hallucination. I started to feel dizzy and my breathing became unsteady. 

I started to hyperventilate and all the voices came out muffled to me. I felt someone hold me before everything blacked out and I fainted...


Soooo.....What are your thoughts on this one. I feel like trash right now. My bestfriend is seriously hiding something from me and I already know what she is trying to hide. What irritates me is that I can't seem to ignore her. I'm so great at ignoring people but when it comes to her, all my skills go to heaven. I hope you liked the chapter and clicked on the orange star below ⭐

Anyways See you guys next Friday

Love you all ❣️❣️❣️


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