Chapter 12 - It was my fault

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Ashford's Pov

I was rushing to the hospital crossing every traffic light and getting thousands of speed tickets but I could care less about it right now.
The only thing I care about right now is Astoria.
We quickly reach there and Alexandria takes her in. I also follow after parking at some random spot I saw first. I did all the formalities at the reception and went to check on Astoria.
When I entered she was lying down on the bed , probably sleeping. A doctor was checking her vitals and giving her more epipen shots.
"Don't worry she'll be alright. Just let her take rest for now. " The Doc said and i nodded with a small smile. I went up to her while Alexandria sat beside her on a chair.
"I'm going outside to call Avery and Leo. Stay with her " she told me and went outside. I sat on the stool and held her hand in mine.
"I'm really sorry Ast. I didn't knew you were allergic to dark chocolate. If i knew i wouldn't have done such a fucking stupid thing. It's all my fault"
I held her hand tightly in mine.
"It's okay , just keep me in my mind to not do that again " I heard her voice and looked up only to see her eyes closed but she was awake.
"Since when were you listening ?" I asked her raising my eyebrow
"Since the doc gave me my epipen shots" she said with a sly smile on her face. Suddenly the door burst open and Leo and Avery bursted inside.
"Oh my goodness Ria, are you alright?" Avery asked her
" Yeah mom. I'm absolutely fine and might as well want to go on a mission" she said and all of us ended up laughing. "But seriously are you okay ?" Leo asked her and she just nodded. "Dad , I just had an allergic reaction, not like I had been shot or went into labour" she said and added " but it would have been more easier to get shot because then I wouldn't have to deal with this headache " she says with a light chuckle.
"It's all my fault. I smashed that dark chocolate cake on her face. " I say while looking down at the floor
"It's okay darling. Make sure to keep her away from dark chocolate. And it's not like you could have known it anyways " Avery said and i nodded.
"Where's Cleo after all ?" Leo asked to both of us but we were clueless.
"God. I hope he doesn't burn down he entire house." Leo said while dialing on his phone.

Next Day

Astoria got discharged from hospital after 2 days since her few tests were taken and she has really less haemoglobin. It's like 9 or 10 I guess. It should 12-15 considering her as a girl.
We're now in the hall. All the kids watching a web series. I don't know which series cuz I joined in the middle of it. I had an important meeting and had to attend it.
"Gosh, I don't know who I ship. I want Jackie and Cole to be together but i so want Alex and Jackie to be together" Astoria whined like a 12 year old who just had been said no to go to Disneyland during Christmas.
"I am not sure but I ship Cole and Jackie " Alexandria said simply and didn't whine.
"Dude I definitely ship Alex and Jackie." Adler commented. He gets along with girls really fast. I didn't understand a single thing going in there but I still watched it anyway.
"Alex is cute and caring but Cole is hot, handsome and sometimes caring too." Astoria said , her eyes never leaving the screen. "Yeah, Cole's really hot. Even I admit it " Adler said. Okay now I highly doubt him. Is he gay or what ? I shrug and went it int he kitchen to get myself water. While drinking I saw a packet of dark chocolate in one of the cabinet which was open. I took it out and threw it in the trash. I don't want her to get sick again. I went in the hall again only to see all of them leaving.
"You guys stopped?" I asked them and Adler replied me. "If we watched all the episodes today then what would be left for tomorrow?" But Astoria shouted from upstairs. " TWILIGHT " Adler and i both chuckled and went upstairs to our rooms while mumbling 'good night' to each other.
I was in the shower but suddenly a image went through my mind. Her image. The memory of her and me kissing in the closet passed through my mind. The way her tongue fought for control and dominance was adorable. Her lips were soft like winter and in her passion I was lost. Her smile was enough to make my heart skip a beat.
She's too adorable and scary at the same time. Whenever we met at missions , her aura was like so powerful and dark that I was literally scared to go near her but at home her aura is like a 6 year old child who just wants toys.
I went out and tried to sleep but couldn't. Her image kept passing through my mind everytime I closed my eyes. It's too beautiful yet frustrating at the same time. Then I decided to just close my eyes and let her image be seen. Slowly i drifted off to dreamland.

Next Day

I woke up with the annoying sound of my alarm.
I went in the bathroom did my morning routine and stepped in the shower.
Weird shower thought going through my mind.
I stood there what felt like hours but only 10 minutes.
I wrapped the towel around my waist and got out but as soon as I did I was hit with her smell once again. She was standing there. She turned around and was shocked to see me half naked. I went near her and whispered in her ear.
"Like what you see babydoll ? " I said and i swear her breath hitched. Her lips slight apart and unconsciously she licked them. That was enough for me to lose control.
I smashed my lips on hers and she wrapped her arms around my neck whilst my one hand was on her neck and one on her waist pulling her closer to me. The kiss was soft and smooth, not like our first one. That one was rough. No one fought for dominance or control. Both of us just loved the melody and enjoyed the moment. I bit her lower lip and she let out a slight moan. This time I didn't need to pinch her or something, she gave me access on her own amd my tongue devoured each and every corner of her mouth. Her vanilla breath hitting on my lips. It was such a pleasure. I broke the kiss and went down her jawline and bit her earlobe.
"A-Ashford" she let out a whimper with my name. I looked up at her in the eyes and smashed my lips once again. It was more beautiful and soft than the one before.
I just loved how her body fit right in my hands and how her lips connected so well with mine.
But like any other romantic moment, this one also had to be interrupted. Someone's knocking on the door broke us apart and she looked at me in the eyes. Her eyes flashing through different emotions every second. I went up to door and opened it slightly only to find my dear brother.
"Come downstairs quick or else you ain't getting any breakfast today. By the way have you seen Ast. She's not in her room nor anywhere else. " he said.
"Okay I'll come and no i didn't see her. "I said and closed the door on his face.
"I should get going now." Astoria said slowly so that my asshole of an brother doesn't hear her. I sighed and nodded. She went out and i quickly changed into some sweatshirts and pants.
I went downstairs and found everyone there. My eyes met Adler's and he smirked while i rolled my eyes.
I sat on a chair and served myself. I was halfway finished but then someone started speaking
"Okay everyone, so I wanted to announce that day after tomorrow is Ashford's and Astoria's Engagement." Avery said with a smile and my eyes met Ast's and she looked away. Okay so here goes the avoiding Ashford thing. I knew it would happen. You did a great job Ashford fucking Ermington.

Word Count: 1576

Hey guys. I hope you liked this chapter and also it was my first time writing a boy's pov so it was hard. It legit took me 2 and half hours to write this much. It's hard to write a kiss scene in boys' pov too but i managed to write it. It was a different experience anyways. Don't worry there will be more chapters in Ashford's pov but for now it's Astoria only.
Don't forget to click on that orange star below and tell me how was this chapter.

Question: what was your favourite scene so far ?
Mine was when Leo and Giovanni announced Ashford's and Astoria's wedding. Funny right.

Anyways see you in the end of 13 chapter.
Love ya guys
Till then it's only me your one and only.


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