Chapter 11 - Seeing him once more

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Astoria's Pov

"What happened now ?" She said in a irritating voice .
"Lexi ?" I said in a low voice and I bet her eyes widened after hearing my voice cuz she stuttered.
"Tria, hey, what's up bitch ?" She pretended to play it off but i wasn't letting it go.
"I'm calling with my phone since this one's Ashford's" I told her and hung up without waiting for a reply.
"Look Ast I'm sor-----" Ashford started saying but I cut him off by saying.
"It doesn't matter, I don't care if you both talk or not, it's just that i am slightly offended that she sent you those pictures and asked opinion from you and also that is the reason I bought the dress which you liked and chose for me." I said in a offended and serious tone. I was technically lying because I also loved that dress but it doesn't kill to lie , specially to him.
"Anyways I'm going in my room. If something happens call me." I said to particularly no one and headed off towards my room. I Locked the door behind me as I dialed Lexi's Number.
"Hey tria, I'm really ------" I cut her off too.
"It doesn't matter to me. Okay ? I'm just offended that you decided to let him choose the dress for me when I'm going to be the one wearing it. " I told her.
"Are you really not angry from me ?"

"No lex , I'm not"

"That's great. I thought I'll be dead "

"If I wanted then I would have killed you the very same day we met"

"Oh yeah, i remember how you almost shoot me and I also remember how you scolded me for being so careless."

"Yeah , you were careless then but now you're better"

"What do you mean better, I'm the best "  we both laughed at that one

"Okay sooo how about a movie night at my place?" I suggested

"Yeah sure, I'll just tell the other too till then you do the preparations for the ritual "
"Yeah sure and be here by 7" I said and hung up the call.

It was almost 4 right now so no need to worry. I decided to go the supermarket and buy the things that are needed or will be needed.


I was walking towards the aisle where the drinks were there. Money, power, glory by Lana blaring from my airpods since the music they play here is too boring and soft.

Suddenly I saw some familiar figure. The figure i didn't saw for the past 8 years. Just then all the memories flowed in my mind like a godamn river.
There was a heavy lump in my throat and tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
It's okay Ast, he no longer can hurt you.
It's okay
It's okay
You're strong enough to kill him now.
Don't worry he won't be able to come near you nor hurt you.

I said calming words to myself in my head to prevent me from crying. I shrugged it off and with the tears still threatening I went over towards the drinks aisle. I quickly went near the cashier to pay for all the stuff.
Someone was behind me.

It was his cologne. I remember the smell even after so many years, after so many fucking year.

There were tears in my eyes again but nonetheless I took the bags and went outside as soon as I could. I locked the doors of the car.

The tears i had been holding in for so long finally made its way from my cheek and onto my lap. When I looked back up he was going towards his car, dressed up in a white sweatpants and black hoodie.

I started the ignition and got out of there as soon as I could. I kept looking in the rear view mirror if he was following me or not but thank fucking goodness he wasn't.
I reached back home and straight away went in the kitchen to keep all the stuff at their place.
"Need any help ?" Ashford came fr behind and asked.
"No thank you " I said in a i-dont-give-a-fuck tone.
"Look I said I-------" he started off but I cut him off again
"I told you it doesn't matter to me. I just don't fucking care. Also if you think that I might be doubting you both then you should know that i trust Lexi more than I do to myself. I know she would never do something like that. " I told him and I don't know why but he was looking at me with horrified eyes.
"Have you been crying ?" He asked completely ignoring what I said earlier.
My eyes widened slightly but i remained composed. I can't let him know about anything at all.

"No, why would I be crying?" I said and ignored any kind of eye contact with him.
"Then look into my eyes and say this" he said that sternly and i did it.
"No, i wasn't crying" i said and his gaze softened.
"Good, now you need any help " he asked again but my focus was on his grey metallic eyes. Just then I realised how close I was to him and back away.
"No, actually the girls are coming over tonight so I'll should be going in my room now" I said and quickly went in my room and locked it behind me.
Thanks to that training I did when I was young for lying straight onto someone's face.  Dad taught that to me so that whenever I go on missions I could get pass through everything.
It was 6:30 so I decided to change into some comfy clothes rather than this jeans and cardigan I was wearing.


"So you're telling me that you both kissed in a fucking closet" del said being excited and i motioned her to lower her volume
"Yeah, it was a accidental one but still."
"So what ? I started shipping you both since the day your dad announced the wedding. I'm the fucking captain of this ship ". Del said and Lexi hugged and said.
"Hey !!!!! I also used to ship them both since that day and even before that " She said in a high voice.
"I shipped them before they were even born " Esme said
"And I know what the fuck I am
saying " Esme shouted once more.
"Okay guys. Stop now. All three of you are the captain of this non existing ship. Okay ?" I told them trying to calm them down. Otherwise WW3 will be started here.
"You guy's hungry ?" I asked them and the nodded.
"Okay. I'll go bring some snacks and you three decide a movie to watch. And remember no fighting girls, okay. I'll be right back ." I said it in a tone like I'm their mother and they rolled their eyes in unison.
I went in the kitchen and took out some packets of chips, soft drinks, beer and M&Ms. I love fucking M&Ms.
I managed to take it all up there.
The girls decided to re-watch Twilight and I agreed.

We were halfway through the movie suddenly there was a knock on my door. I paused it and went to open the door.
When I opened it, nobody was there. I closed it but there was a knock on my door again. I turned and opened it again but there was nobody.
I went to the bed and sat down and resumed the movie.
There was a knock again and this time I was too frustrated.
"Whoever the fuck are you , you better know that you'll be dead once I know who are you " i shouted in the hallway and went back inside. There was a knock again but this time when I opened it, something pricked in my eyes and something itchy. It felt like cake.
I licked the cake from my lips suddenly I recognised the flavour.
Dark chocolate.
I started coughing and it felt like my body was on fire.
"Which flavour cake was that  ?"exi asked the person.
"Dark chocolate " I recognised the voice to be Ashford's.
"Oh fuck, damn it." She said and suddenly I felt my knees become weakened and I fell down. Lexi held me up and said to me
"Ast listen to me, look at me in the eyes. Go and bring out the car. We're going to the hospital " Lexi shouted to no one in particular.
"You're going to be alright Ast, just dont  close your eyes." She said but my eyelids were becoming heavier by every passing second. I needed to keep it together. I can't face this any longer and finally closed my eyes. I heard my name being shouted repeatedly but it was a muffled sound but I could hear it nonetheless.

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter. I know it's a really short one but school has been killing me with tons of homework and shit 
I'll try to post next week.
Love ya bye
Till then it's only me your one and only
~Blackro$e 🖤

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