Panda Problems

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"Guess this one was not it, either. This world of white; a carbon copy of the black"
"Why must I stumble myself into these sort of problems every time? These hypotheticals"
"Page by page, I turn to different lives from my own. Word for word, this worlds seem to stack"
"The issue with this is, of course, I lose track of my remark. I lose what is not in parentheticals"

"Be it cursive in a black font, or a white in a rounder form, I read and read to endless degree"
"I try to learn and speak for myself. But the ever-growing vocabulary expands beyond me"
"It grows so large, so complicated, that the world is written with a language made by debris"
"Like the Tower of Babel, it reaches a heavenly tongue. But it will crumble into false decree"

"Why have I not found a good story yet? Is it so difficult to read a good read to snuggle with?"
"I like to rhyme; I like to mime. When it is my bedtime, I climb into a comfy bed most sublime"
"But I cannot since there are no good stories to play out in my head! So I dream not therewith"
"Where to find them is my conundrum! Do you know if any of these is worth even half a dime?"

"Where was I going with this? Ah, yes. I want a story that will leave me in a ravaged bliss!"
"I want love! Oh how I want romance inside a horror chapter, or outside a somber precis"
"I want action and mystery too! Let intuition reach the breaking point, for it is doubt I dismiss!"
"I wonder and wonder! I ponder my black and white blunder! Who am I to be? But the panda I see"

"I want to know! That is the reason why I read. The detail behind every deed. A picture I need"
"Paint it black. Paint it white. Juxtapose the image of which I write! It is my quite. It is my might"
"As I am not sure, that is why I read my feed. A Crow's lead I happened to follow with speed"
"I have kept up, day and night. With every story of a Crow's delight, something's off, if slight"

"That is my problem! Not a single story has been perfect for me. Not one has passed by me"
"If I am to be the reader, I too need to be the proof of a well-written work. I am to be a critic"
"My works I shall judge and execute. Let myself write free. The only rule I happened to agree"
"Unbound from pen and structure, the black ink from the white sheet. The rhyme of my lyric"

"Perhaps I have let this go for far too long. A work so far off, it has lost its purpose and cause"
"It has driven me to exhaustion. The pursuit of words beyond my hearing deafens as I speak"
"When did I stop comprehending what I was reading? I was suffering from a reader's pause"
"Like an author's block for writing, I stop actually reading and stumbled into doublespeak"

"When did my reading peak? When did my writing fall off? How long have I been staring at it?"
"I thought myself at the top, but it was I who fell. This was my problem. My division of wonder"
"For amusement and curiosity. Divided no more. I am author and reader. I am my only hit"
"The one story I liked. My own. Perfect again, thanks to me. My book asunder, my only blunder"

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