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Apo's Pov.

I was now standing near the ocean waving at the person who I fell in love with in just a short period of time. He is now going back to where he really do belong and that's not beside me.

"Mile I hope you find happiness with the person who you really love and will love you as much as you do. I love you, goodbye I hope one day will meet again." I say even though I know to myself that he won't hear any of it.

If being selfish was a crime then I'm guilty of it, cause I'm wishing to all the stars that  in our next life, I'll be the one you love and not anybody else.

PS: This story will start after Unrequired. I hope you will like it just like how you like my other stories.

And I'm also sorry about not updating for a while now cause I'm still busy at work but still thank you for understanding and waiting. I'll try to updated soon love you all. 💚💛

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