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Apo's Pov.

After our "night" last night I can't help but smile like an idiot everytime I look at him.

"Did I really gave in to him last night?" I ask myself whispering

"Hey Po are you ok you're so red!" he worriedly ask and check if I'm hot.

"Aye Mile I'm ok, please calm down." I assure him.

"Are you sure cause you look really hot... Oh I mean sexy no... what I mean is sick." he face palm himself that made mo laugh.

"Mile I think you're the one that doesn't feel ok" I raised my eyebrow and show him a teasing smile.

"So Khun Mile find me hot and sexy?" I ask in a teasing tone and that made him look red as a tomato specially his ears, what a really cute guy he is.

"Well... you are hot and sexy specially last night." the h*ck now I'm the one being tease and embarrassed.

"Aye P'Apo what is wrong with you early in the morning are you sick?" It was Ta they just came in and Barcode looks really sleepy still.

"There is nothing wrong with me nong I was just feeling a bit hurt and my "my back is killing me right now" I said with conviction.

"Why Phi did something happen at work?" Barcode ask worriedly.

"Its not from work it was because...." I became speechless and I almost exposed us.

"You're Phi was so clumsy last night he suddenly fell from the bed." Mile lied.

"Yeah I fell last night and Mile help me get up cause I really CAN'T move my body properly." I said while giving Mile, meaningful looks.

"You should be careful next time P'Apo  but how did you fall from the bed did you sleep beside P'Mile?" Barcode ask and that made him and Ta look at me in the eye and they even put their faces near mine.

I can't look at them from the eye so I move a step back but they keep on stepping forward.

" Why can't you answer P'Po? "Ta ask with a teasing tone.

"Yeah your Phi sleeps beside me." Mile casually said then took a sip of his coffee.

"Really?!" I angrily ask.

"There is no point of hiding Po they won't stop asking unless you tell then the truth." He has a point but I'm scared of what will my brothers think about.

"Yeah Phi you can just tell us and we're happy that you are happy." Barcode said and hug me.

"But P'Mile if you make our P'Po sad and cry I'll throw you at the ocean and left you to be eaten by sharks." Ta warn him at makes Mile giggle.

"I don't want to promise anything nong but I know that I don't want to do anything that can make you Phi feel bad or sad cause all I know is I want your brother to be happy." he said that looking directly to my eyes.

"Oh what a romantic person you are P'Mile can you teach me so that if I get the chance to see Copper I can show him how romantic I am." Ta is now clinging to Mile's side.

"Oh really P'Ta you're really sly like a fox." Barcode said still hugging me.

"Yeah and I'll make Copper be head over heels over me like how I'm head over heels for him." Ta then show his younger brother a smirk and made the other cringe.

"You're giving me chills P. " Barcode teasing said while scratching his arms jokingly.

"Oh nong don't make fun of me and other people that's in love cause we're just expressing and showing our feelings to the other half of our heart right P'Mile?" Ta ask Mile and I don't know but I didn't expect any response from Mile so instead of waiting him answering Ta's question I ask them to eat their breakfast.

I look at Mile and the looks on his face makes me confirm my thoughts that he is still not ready for this, and again I should just be thankful that he is trying for my sake maybe I really shouldn't put my hopes up to something that isn't clear just like tge threads that connects us it was unclear and can be barely seen.

"Don't think about it to much Mile, you're not responsible to answer that question of Ta." I assure him.

He look at me then smile shyly. I know that he is trying to know and learn more about the feelings he is having but I don't want him to be responsible for it and if someday he told me he can't anymore I will be more than happy to let him go,cause I know he tried than him lying and keep on pushing himself in lies that shouldn't be done.

After eating our breakfast I decided to go outside to breathe some fresh air. I sat under a tree to cover from the sun. I look at my pinky finger and see that the thread seems to be blurred in color unlikr the first time it pop.

"Maybe destiny really isn't for us." I talk to myself. Everytime I see threads it always vibrant and bright in color but mine and Mile's are almost colorless like it was slowly fading.

Maybe this is happening cause he was really meant for other after all he already had a previous thread that up until now is connected to him.

"Pa maybe my power is isn't good as yours. Maybe I should stop playing cupid to others cause I might give them false hope and it might ended up bad for them." I said look up the sky.

"Oh your just here." It was Mile, he sat beside me so I lean onto him.

"Are you ok Po?" He worriedly ask me.

"Yes, I'm fine no need to worry." I hold his hand tight and then silence prevail.

"Sorry if I can't answer a simple question ask by your brother." he broke the silence.

"Mile please don't think about it and just focus on what we have now. You know it's not that you are necessarily responsible about this relationship but instead you should just go with the flow if it didn't work between us at least we tried but we should stop thinking about our future but instead we should focus to our present, on what we have now. Mile I love you just the way you are and I'm already satisfied on what we are right now but if your feelings change and decide that you can't be with me please tell me honestly and I'll be happy and willingly set you free, thats how much I love you Mile. " I confess after all hiding it won't make things any better.

"You don't need to response to it I'm happy just by confessing and it makes me feel light." After saying that I kiss his forehead and smile.

We may not be on the same path at least we met in the middle and experienced each other warmth.

Hello readers here's another update. Please enjoy but don't forget to vote and share and if you like my work please follow me to reader my other stories and feel free to leave a comment.

Hope you enjoy reading. I love you guys.

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