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Apo's Pov.

So my hunch is right they are Mile's Family but what is this feeling inside of me. I want to tell them the truth about Mile's whereabouts but this growing feeling of selfishness is taking over me.

I still can't process things properly and I'm also scared of something that I don't know about.

"Hey you've been so occupied since you came home. You didn't even eat much as usual." It was Mile who is talking beside me.

I keep quite as I process all the information I know in my head then look at him directly in the eye. Our eyes meet.

Mile smiled at me showing his gummy teeth. It made me smile a bit. I look at out finger and then again I saw the string fading its color.

"Mile do you believe in destiny?" I ask out of nowhere that made him confused.

"I don't know." he simply answer.

"You don't know but why?" I ask him again.

"Well destiny is hard to understand. Maybe I once believe in it but after what happens to my fiancé, I started to question it." He look up staring at the stars above us.

"Mile can you tell me about your girlfriend?" Look at me confuse, cause who in a right mind would ask someone with feeling towarda that person a question like this.

"Hey I'm ok about it and I just wanted to know the girl who you truly loves." I assure him cause I know if I didn't he will feel uncomfortable.

"Well Linn is a very loving and caring person. She is really close to her family and to mine. She in a volunteer in an educational program organised by our company, but we already know each other in college but we didn't talk much to each other back then." He was smiling all the time telling me about her.

"So when did you notice that you're in love with her?" I know by asking this questions I'm just hurting myself butt seeing him smile widely is enough reason for me to accept all the pain.

"Maybe I had alreadt feelings for Linn but the time that I notice my feelings about her is when I saw Linn having fun talking to her guy friend. We are already friends that time cause he always volunteers in our company's programs. Until one day all the jealousy build up and I just confess to her out of nowhere. " he laugh as he remember their time together.

Seeing how happy he is talking about Linn my heart slowly break into tiny pieces but I don't want him to know so I smile to conceal the pain.

"Mile did you know your face lightens up whenever you talk about something or someone you love just like now." he look at me then touch his face.

"Sorry I didn't realise that I was talking to much already." he said then hold my hands.

I remove my hands from his grip then look him at the eye.

"Mile you should believe about destiny and I know you are destined to be with her until the end." I touch his face using my both hands.

"How do you know that?" he ask confuse. I just shrugged my shoulders, then I look at my finger and the string is out of sight not even a single piece left, but I can tell that his string is still there but maybe he really isn't for me.

"You told me that Linn is missing and no one knows where to find her, then I time police said that she is announce dead cause she gone for to long that is why you wanted to to unwind so you ride your yacht on your own then the accident happen." He nod his head as a yes.

"Yeah but I lie about it to my family and told them that I'll be having a meeting abroad, I bet they're worried sick by now." he hung his head down.

"Don't you miss them?" I ask and he answered me with na nod.

"By the way Mile do you want to go with me at my work my boss needs a few more workers cause there'll be party but I'm just asking if you want." I ask him akwardly.

"Sure no problem Apo. I know how to handle events and even though I habe some doesn't meen I don't know how to work. I didn't internship and part-time too when I'm at high school and college." he said then pat my head.

"Ok thats a amazing Mr. but we should sleep now cause we are leaving early in the morning." I said then walk away from him. I heard him screaming my name so I run fast.

After a moment

Mile is now asleep meanwhile me I didn't even get a wink of sleep, up until now. All I did was to stare at his face for the last time I guess.

"The light color string that connects us is now gone, so there is no need for me to keep you here with me." I tuck his slightly long hair behind his ear.

"I'm happy that finally you will reunite with your family and soon you'll find happiness together with Linn just believe cause I know he was also waiting for you." I leave a kiss on his forhead then lay down beside him.

Linn is still alive cause their strings are healthy and really red so I believe she is still alive. Remembering their thread I lift my hand and look for a string but all I did is disappoint my self from seeing almost faded string to nothing at all.

I slowly turn my body to the right and cry silently cause I don't want him to have his last memory of me crying.

Tomorrow you'll finally meet your family and friends again. Specially her I know you already miss each other so much. So I give up.

"Time has finally come my love. Our destiny ends here."

Hello readers sorry for the late reply but here is it the new chapter. I hope you all enjoy reading. Love you all.

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