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Mile's Pov.

A month has been a month since I got stuck here at this unknown Island wherein few people lived in.

The life here is definitely different than my life in the city, it was fun living here but I know one day I'll finally leave this place but something inside of me doesn't want to go away.

It's evening now but I didn't see any trace of Apo since this morning when I woke up. I even ask his sibling but they just told me that he went out early in the morning but he did not tell them where is his destination.

"P'Mile, P'Ta come on eat now the neighbour cooked one of their chicken and they gave us some to eat come on and there's also some papaya salad left." it was Barcode calling us from the kitchen.

When we arrived at the dining table everything was already settled but Apo is still not here. It botheres me so I decided to look foe him outside but when I was about to stand up we saw him entering the house with a plastic bag in his hands.

"Oh I was just on time you are eating." Is the first sentence he said then he went near us and place the plastic bag which I believe is food on the table.

"Hey Po where did you go?" I ask cause he did make me worried.

"Oh Mile I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to say to you that I started working at the Big Island today Uncle ask me to wake up early cause we need to travel far and we need to be on time specifically it was my first day but look I'm here now and we should eat this food is good the manager of the restaurant that I work with gave me this foos and it was very delicious come on eat. "he excitedly explain to us.

Seeing him this happy again somehow makes me less worried about him specially this past few days that he seems to be aloof but he is back to being energetic so I'm ok with that for now.

Apo's Pov.

When we finish eating Ta volunteer's himseld to wash the dishes while Barcode went at the bathroom to brush his teeth, so me and Mile went to the outside to get some fresh air and sit there near the shore.

There is an akward silence between the two of us but we kinda understand each other that it is much better to keep silent.

But after a few more minutes I decided to broke the silence cause I remember that I had a great news for him.

"Oh Mile sorry for making you worried cause I didn't let you know about my whereabouts." He looks at me and just nods.

"By the way I also had a great news to share with you." He looks at me and I know he is listening.

"While working at the Big Island I hears the boat drivers that they'll be going back at the City next week to pick up new tourist and I ask them if they can help you or let you go along side them at the city and they said yes so next week you are going with me at the Big island and they bring you back where you do really belong." I smiled but Mile seems like unimpressed.

He stand up and walks away from me so I followed him.

" Hey aren't you happy that you are finally going back? " I ask behind him buy it seems like he doesn't hear or more likely doesn't want to listen.

So I walk faster to catch up on. I hold his hands and I saw tears pouring down his eyes.

"Hey sorry, please don't cry I'm not making you leave, you can stay here as long as you like to be here. It's just that I'm you know asking causw you may already like to go home but it turns out you still don't so it's ok for you to stay here Mile and you are always welcome at out house. "I said but to my surprised he suddenly turn his body then he hugs me tight and I hear his tiny sobs.

" Po to be honest I should be happy but why can't I? It feels like I don't want to leave this place anymore but I don't know why." he said still hugging me.

"Mile you can stay here as long as you like I won't and will never push you away so please can you stop crying your making me cry too." I said while patting his head.

When we part away from the hug Mile look at me in the eys so was eye and the next thing I know is our lips collide like magnets at attracts each other.

It was a minute long amd when ne part our lips both of us catch our breath. It was my first Kiss but I can totally say that Mile on the other hand already have it a few more time than me.

We we're still looking at each others eyes but a sudden thought hit me. He was already in a relationship.

So I unconsciously push him away. It wasn't that hard but it was enough for him to stay back.

"Oh sorry about that Mile, I didn't mean to." I said then run inside the house.

But before I can even went near our house door Mile hug me from behind.

"Po pleases don't run away from me again, to be honest the kiss didn't bother me at all but in the other hand I don't know what am I really feeling right now. Please teach me and help me, help me realise what this really mean. I don't wanna lose you but I can't pin point what I really want but one thing is for sure I don't wanna let go of this hands." After hearing his confession my heart beats fast and there is a growing hope inside of me.

"Mile the truth is we are having the same though (But I'm already sure about my feelinga for you.) I do also want for ua to grown. Lets us help each other but if it didn't work let us not forget our good memories together." I said to him so we both hug again and he kiss my forehead, for now I'll be satisfied in what we have but I hope that one day you'll see my worth in your life.

" We might be stragers from the start but I'm hoping a better future ahead for the both of us."

Hello reader another update, I hope you like it, enjoy reading.

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